Terry Pratchett Fangroup 52 members · 51 stories
Comments ( 3 )
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Sir Terry is one of the greatest and most popular authors on the planet, yet his fan work is horrifically under represented on this site. There are more crossovers with board games than with the master's work. Why do you think this is?

4111081 If I were to guess I'd say it's the difficulty of replicating his style. He's got a particular combination of snark and optimism that a lot of writers find hard to reproduce.

Perhaps, as said above, people have difficulty emulating his style. Maybe people feel they're unworthy of the Discworld and don't want to screw it up. Possibly they view crossovers as a chance to "fix" things in either or both of the franchises in question, and Sir Terry's work has few flaws. Or maybe it's just that the overlap in the Venn diagram of "Pratchett fans", "MLP fans" and "fanfic writers" has too small an area. Difficult to say, really...

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