The Mean Six: Elements of Disharmony 180 members · 24 stories
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A group of characters from a fanfic called CRISIS: Equestria, written by GanonFLCL. They are cloned evil counterparts of the the Mane Six whose goal is to kill the original Mane Six.

Starlight Shadow:

The evil clone of Twilight Sparkle, she represent's the Element of Discord and the uncontested leader of the Elements of Discord, to the point that the other call her “Boss” rather than by her name. Oddly enough, she's the youngest of the six.

She specializes in "Anti-Magic", a power that stems from "Void magic". This gives her incredible magical power that only Twilight Sparkle can equally match in strength.


The evil clone of Fluttershy, she represent's the Element of Fury. Although she has a VERY short temper and get pissed off at just about anything and everything, she's basically a giant softy on the inside and only shows it towards her family though, and may god help you if you mention it to her face.

Havocwing is capable of manipulating fire. She can shoot fireballs, trail it behind her as a solid wall of flame, generate a jet with it to increase her speed, and empower herself with it to become a living ball of fire.She seems to have inherited some of Fluttershy's memories of Iron Will, and presents her "Assertiveness Advice" to Fluttershy in rhyme. She is apparently decidedly better than him. As the rhymes Havocwing comes up with are off the top of her head to match the situation:"If somepony says you're scared of the dark, show them your bite's worse than your bark!", "Somepony jerking you around? BETTER BURN THEM TO THE GROUND!"

Red Velvet:

The evil clone of Pinkie Pie, representing the Element of Fear. She's basically the Pinkie Pie from Cupcakes taken Up to Eleven. Her primary power is her ability to manipulate her blood as a weapon, usually in the form of blades or tentacles. Her other power is her ability to inspire and feed off of the fears of others, and to worm her way down into the psyche of anypony and find out what they fear the most.

Velvet does not like being laughed at, and despises any definitions of "joy" and "happiness". Her biggest quirk is her habit of taking nursery rhymes and children's songs, as well as Pinkie Pie's own original tunes, and turning them into insidious promises of doom. Her crowning moment is "Scream", her epic reprise of "Smile", during which she completely defeats Applejack, Flathoof, Pinkie Pie, and Ophanim all at the same time: "Come on everypony, scream, scream, scream! Let your hearts fill with nightmares, nightmares!"

Grayscale Force:

The evil clone of Rainbow Dash, representing the Element of Apathy. She is extremely intelligent, but lacks motivation to use her intellect for anything more than how to end fights quickly so she can get back to her napping. However, when given the proper motivation by providing a fair challenge to her, she becomes an incredibly threatening individual.

Grayscale's powers give her a control over the gravity of objects within a certain field of space. Her wings are required to manipulate the gravity in other objects, making it difficult for her to fly and use her powers at the same time. She can manipulate her own weight freely however.


The evil clone of Rarity, representing the Element of Avarice. Her power allows her to copy the powers of other ponies by merely touching them. However she is unbelievably dumb, from not knowing how powers she steals work, to not knowing the proper pronunciation or definition of words, to most especially not remembering the names of anypony except her sisters and Rarity, her original.


The evil clone of Applejack, representing the Element of Deceit. She is the oldest of the six. She has the ability to change her coat to blend into the environment, rendering her totally invisible, or transform her body shape to take that of anypony she wishes (no, she's not a changeling).

2959610 That's awesome! I've got to read that fic! To EQD!

Just looking at the pictures and bios (and not reading the story yet), Red Velvet is my current favorite. She just sounds and looks so creepy and awesome! :pinkiecrazy:

CRISIS-style bizarropones are the best. As one of the editors for CRISIS, I can confirm this.


Just want to clarify one thing; Starlight's Element is still called the Element of Magic, as referenced in Chapter 33. The trick is that they both represent opposing philosophies of Magic.

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