The Mean Six: Elements of Disharmony 180 members · 24 stories
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Title: Tree of Harmony, Roots of Discord

Main characters: The Mane Six, Spike, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Discord, OC's(the Mean Six from Crisis Equestria).

Genre: Alternate Universe, Adventure, Dark.

When the Royal Sisters discovered the Tree of Harmony, they used it's Elements to defeat Discord and bring peace to Equestria once more.

However, what they didn't know is that while the branches that bask in the light are pure, the roots that thrive in the dark keep the corrupted and evil magic of Equestria at bay. But Discord's plunder seeds begin to infect the roots, and for many years the choatic magic layed dormant under the tree, slowly manifesting into something truly evil, but never reaching the surface untill many years later...

1,000 years later when Discord returns, he finds himself drawn to the Tree of Harmony, or more specifically its roots...there he discovers that his seeds of evil have finally bore fruit, in the form of the Elements of Discord: dark counterparts to the Elements of Harmony.

Honesty: Deceit
Kindness: Fury
Laughter: Fear
Generosity: Avarice
Loyalty: Apathy
Magic: Discord(Corrupted Magic)

Discord takes the elements and proceeds to scatter them across a Equestria, "programming" them to find their new wielders. Now it’s a race against time to find the new weilders they have chosen before it’s too late! However, the Element’s have not only chosen their new wielders, but granted them some very interesting new powers as well, will the Mane Six be able to combat them? And could their own Elements have similair powers as well?

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