Villainous Redemption 144 members · 102 stories
Comments ( 13 )
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I would love to see Gilda get redeemed, out of all of the lesser baddies she is my favorite, Gilda you rock! :yay:
But I would love to know which baddie YOU would like to see get redeemed and how.

2054802 I agree. To be honest, Gilda wasn't really an antagonist...just a bully. I mean, Bab Seed was a bully to the CMC yet no one called her a villain. Gilda should indeed be redeemed...hey, that rhymed! :eeyup:

2055218 How would you like to see her redeemed?

2056151 You got me. I just wished that things between Gilda and Rainbow Dash would be patched up.

2056163 D'you know about any fanfics like that? Like a typical HIE story, except, if they change the episodes, they change that one?

2056193 What's HIE? And the only fic I knew where Gilda and Rainbow patched things up is in 'Mothers' (which is a great fic by the way). On a unrelated topic, did you read Wendigo May Cry? (Sorry to bother you if you did).

2056221 I'm getting through it, I should be done within an hour or so.

2056229 Thanks. What is HIE? Is that 'Human in Equestria'?

2056243 I hope you will leave a comment or something once you are done reading WmC.

2056243 OK, I finished chapter 1:

There are more than a few redundancies " its entire body was completely dressed in black garments, barely visible by the light shown from behind him, as if it didn’t want anyone to see what he looked like.", there are some lines that are... well.... really dumb "“Destroyed? Me? What are you saying?!” and the names Ganon and Wiley take me out of it totally, it defiantly needs improving and that's sad because the first chapter was mega-super-awesome.

However I have not yet read the second chapter, so I'll reserve my final judgement until I am through.

I'm sorry if I was harsh, I hope you don't hate me for that :twilightsheepish:

2056357: Chapter 2 is finished:

It seems to have gotten better, but the lack of the words "was" is somewhat off-putting:The furniture were that of what you would normally find in a study, Should you failed to comply and , and his eyes were a pair of silver…however, one of them seemed to lack a pupil.

The switching between actual curses and ponified curses makes it a bit disorienting as well.

2054802 I would like to see Queen Chryslise as a redeem character.

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