When ponies are unable to wake up from their dreams, it's up to Capper and Luna to work together to figure out what's going on and how to wake them up before it is too late.
The turtles went on an adventure in another world called Equestria to saved it from the evil Kraangs, but for that, they needed to learn more about this new world, but luckily they meet the Mane 6.
What happened between Twilight's entrance exam and her entrance to the School proper? How Twilight met Celestia, Cadance, and Spike, and got started on the road to becoming the Element of Magic.
A band of mercenaries, composed of griffons and bat ponies and led by a one winged griffon are on a quest for cold hard cash, killing whatever gets in their way.
After the Equestria civil war between the two sisters most pony's did not want to follow the laws of the solar empire others want their old lives back before the war. But some few chose the life of a gunfighter author's note first time writing
Zecora gives Rarity a rare and beautiful plant, but unbeknownst to the two at the time, perhaps the gift may soon prove to be far more trouble than it's worth. It's certainly a good thing Twilight's there to help though!
Paya's life of selling dragon fruit is Santillama has been...well, fruitful. But now, she desires to see the world and reunite with the friends she made when her town was invaded.
A long awaited return to my newly discovered home leads to a shocking discovery: My closest friends are mysteriously losing their souls from their bodies. What evil has caused this to happen? Whatever the threat, I must fix it before it's too late.
I don't know how I wound up here, but suddenly everypony is relying on me for their survival after a terrible curse has fallen over the land. This is not the Equestria I remember.