Science! in Equestria 509 members · 542 stories
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i saw the show atlases and i have to say one thing.... WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY REVET BACK TO THE HUNTER-GATHERING SOCIETY! sure your electrical gadgets are gone now but that does not mean your back to the days of the middle ages. if anything it would have gone back to the victorian age of steampunk and all that jazz.

i hear this all the time "well you can't use a calculator without electricity" we made the calculator with no electricity before. then i get this "you can't have a car without electricity" yes you can. ok i get it its was out of no where and all that but by 10 to 20 years you would see steam tech comeback to life

5625257 So, why did all the electricity disappear?

5625549 something to do with nanobots look even then without electricity theres no way it will be back to the days od the drak age

The backwards crossbow is painfully stupid.

5625648 its a real thing it help with the balance of the bow so you can hold it up for long time when hunting

Simple. It makes for better drama.

Group Admin

Steam? Uh... So the nanobots are attracted by electricity but if you're going to build noisy steam stuff, then that's fine. Not to mention batteries are extremely simple to make. Just take some vinegar and 2 different metals, and presto - electricity! Of course that's besides the point nobody thought of making an EMP or a kill switch for this kind of stuff.

Eh, still a better plot than 2011.


Yeah this looks super lame. Apparently automatic weapons require electricity to work so everyone needs to use crossbows and muskets?

There's a book series called the long earth where people gain the ability to 'step' to alternate earths. Our earth is the only one with people, the others are just converted in forests and stuff. They can't bring any iron so all electronics and complex alloys and tools are out. These people go out and colonize the new earths and within a few years have new iron smelting buildings and water pumps and all kinds of things. 15 years and civilization has reverted to the dark ages? Complete plot breaker.

5626313 they do have m16 and all that but the thing is its like a super rare item and the reson it still around becasue people stock pile the weapons and ammo

FINALLY, someone that feels the same way as I do about that stupid "Humanity suddenly loses all tech" genre.


i know its late posting this but yes its dumb that the genre on " Humanity suddenly loses all tech" is just pure dumb anyone with a barin can make something even if you kill all the smart people off there be dumb people making stuff just to be lazy

Exactly. Water filters, water pumps, water sanitation, medical equipment sterilization and the tools and knowledge to do anything more medical than making a bandage from a shirt, Gun cleaning, gun making, trap making, the ability to make bombs out of random crap, wood-burning trains, those pump-operated traintrack things, humanity has all this knowledge and it won't lose it just because zombies start showing up or magic nanomachines start stealing all the electricity. Random packs of raiders with spears and chainsaws and bad punk clothes will not lose to people that already keep guns in their houses and won't mind shooting zombies for the few months it'll take before a zombie cure is synthesized, the alien invaders are nuked, and order is restored, be it by the new government or a local militia making your town into its own independent city-state.

hell even that the USA government has done very well without electricity before and i can do it again if they wanted to.

if anything just look into the history books of the wild west the USA was built way before the making of the telegraph, what they did use back then was horseback riding or bikes in the cities to sent a message sure it will take 3 or more days to get it but it worked very well

ok that alien invaders ya i can see how we can get fucked up by them but that's beside the point the whole point of this rant is that in just 15 years and they went back to the iron age?!

Yeah! You can tell that show was just thrown together to look pretty and look unique and look deep for normies that think "All tech shuts off now" is a deep statement on how the human race is "Too reliant on tech". Didn't power end up coming back anyway, making the whole thing pointless?

Anyway, I plan on writing a Fallout Equestria story where things DON'T just wallow in a grimdarker desert punk stasis forever. No power? That won't stop someone as determined as this pony!

let me add more to this and what he say.

"to grow food" human have been growing food just find without gas engines just fine for many many years and before the gas power engine block we use steam engines to farm faster, but there is a way faster and safer way to farm in a small area and its call aquaponics just replace the electrical pumps with hand power ones.

it say they don't know much on basic logic hell you can see in the trailer video the plane just drop from the sky like rocks, THAT NOT HOW PLANES WORKS!!!

Exactly! And people near the start were asking each other "Moo, I wonder what caused the Blackout?". In my head, normies moo whenever they ask stupid questions. It fits. Anyway, the whole "Turns out magical nanomachines did it!" explanation was garbage.

NANOMACHINES, SON! only works when that kind of sci-fi stuff is built into your world.

and let me add more salt to the wound to this logic before steam power we use wind, rivers and animals or if your like the Romans use slaves to power your contrary

Hell yeah! Where are the water mills and windmills turning momentum into grain?

Honestly, it's like "An obligatory mystery you can't solve until we tell you the answer" is something all shitty normiebait shows these days need. Like that one where everyone saw the future and freaked out over it.

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