Cadance has the most wonderful surprise in the world to share with her beloved Auntie Celestia. In fact, it's the most spectacular, wonderful, and joyous news she has ever had to share in her life. Won't Celestia just love to hear it?
After the Changeling invasion, Cadence stumbles upon a young changeling that looks just like Chrysalis. An argument ensues but Shining is finally convinced to adopt the innocent foal.
Cadance and Shining Armor want to do "Secret Santa" for Hearth Warming Eve and deliver gifts to all the filles and colts to the Crystal Empire. But when a stray blast from Flurry Heart turns them into mile tall titans they decide to take it global.
A retelling of "A Canterlot Wedding", from the point of view of the changelings... specifically the changeling mare who played the role of Queen Chrysalis.
Prior to the events of A Canterlot Wedding, Princess Celestia asks Cadance what ought to be done with the changelings that have been discovered living hidden in Equestria. Cadance's ruthless response surprises her.
When Shining Armor banished Twilight from his wedding, she returned distraught to Ponyville, but she soon got to hear about the changeling invasion of Canterlot. With the help of some unexpected allies, she returns to try and put everything right.
'We all know Twilight Sparkle: a lavender unicorn who is a student of Celestia. But Twilight was never a pony. In fact, she kept her true identity hidden until her 'brother's wedding day.
Equestria is enjoying a time of peace and prosperity. The newly reunited Sisters rule without question and the Elements of Harmony protect the land from any and all evil. But dark forces lurk in the shadows, hidden from sight… Plotting. Durin
An epilogue to Kingdom Hearts III, Sora and friends journey to find Twilight Sparkle and restore the magic of friendship, while also facing against his inner turnmoil.