Canterlot Wedding. You know how it goes. But, have you ever wondered, just what would had happened if our heroines hadn't made it in time to stop Chrysalis from invading?
As the Changelings ravage all of Equestria, Shining Armour is finally freed from his spell only to see the devistation left in its wake. The queen can only mock him on his actions that led up to all of this and claim her prizes; Equestria and him!
There is a story of a Changeling Queen who impersonated a princess, hypnotized the head of the Guard, and led an army into Canterlot. This story isn't quite that story.
When Twilight Sparkle starts to become a problem, Chrysalis doesn't send her to the catacombs. After all, what a waste it would be, to send a pony filled with platonic love away when she could use her as a puppet instead.
Queen Chrysalis is back nine months after the wedding and she's nine months pregnant. But worse, she says one of the ponies she made contact with during the wedding is the father... second mother? Is it Celestia, Twilight, Cadence, or Shining?
A retelling of "A Canterlot Wedding", from the point of view of the changelings... specifically the changeling mare who played the role of Queen Chrysalis.
Prior to the events of A Canterlot Wedding, Princess Celestia asks Cadance what ought to be done with the changelings that have been discovered living hidden in Equestria. Cadance's ruthless response surprises her.
An epilogue to Kingdom Hearts III, Sora and friends journey to find Twilight Sparkle and restore the magic of friendship, while also facing against his inner turnmoil.
Twilight wakes up in the caves beneath canterlot and must try to kill Queen Chrysalis before the wedding. She then has a life and death battle with her.
Twilight Sparkle. Friend. Wielder of the Element of Magic. But what if she was more? What if.. she was a being so powerful that she willingly bound herself into a mortal form. What if those bindings break during the changling invasion.