The Writeoff Association 937 members · 681 stories
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Miller Minus has given the order to spread the news abroad to those who do not know that there is a round coming up.

We have been blessed/cursed (depending on your perspective) with the (perhaps) once in a lifetime Inside Joke round- The ‘Ot’ Round (Property of the Writeoff, All Rights Reserved). For those who don’t know the inside joke, the inception of the joke happened as such:

Please join us in this round! Some concerns may be related to “How do I write a story around a inside joke?". Worry not. Upon lookup on Google, ‘Ot’ can be interpreted through many different ways- acronyms (such as Occupational Therapy) or internet slang (such as ‘out there’). It is also able to go in other directions such as meta (since it’s birthplace is in the realms of meta). Overall, this prompt can go in many different directions.

Again, Please join us in this round! It’s ‘Ot’ be a good one!

Trick Question
Group Contributor

I'm pretty sure this would be a 'twice in a lifetime' round because we did this already a couple years ago. :V

It's nice to keep culture alive, though, even when it's random. :twilightsmile:

Group Contributor

Gotcha. Do you know when the first was? I sorta posted this quickly without doing my research on the inside joke...

Miller Minus
Group Contributor

Just so we're clear, the prompt chosen is literally Ot. This hasn't happened before.

Unless you're talking about another "inside joke" round, in which case I challenge you to come up with a past prompt that is even remotely this stupid.

Group Contributor

I'm pretty certain this is the first time "Ot" has been actually selected as the official prompt. I went back through the archives and confirmed.

Was there another round where we did some kind of Ot related thing? I did take a couple of year-ish long breaks from the group, so I might have missed something.

Group Contributor


I challenge you to come up with a past prompt that is even remotely this stupid.

Nothing is as shark-jumping as Ot, but a few other in-joke prompts do come close IMO.

"Title Drop"
"Just Over the Horizon"
"No Prompt! Have Fun!"
"But First, We Need to Talk About Parallel Universes"

Trick Question
Group Contributor

Ah, I think I confused this in my head with when I submitted TBD as the prompt (which made it appear the prompt had not been announced) and it won.

Sorry. My memory is terrible mostly due to medication I take for pain, but there are other reasons.

Trick Question
Group Contributor

Don't forget the scatological entries for the prompt "All In", which many writers took literally. I specifically remember this one because it was one of my first exposures to the Writeoff and I was starting to think pony fiction was commonly disgusting.

I seem to recall "I Regret Nothing" prompted a bunch of similar "break the boundaries" drama. I think that was the one where PresentPerfect decided to leave the Writeoff.

But again, my memory is pretty awful, so take wolf recollections with a salt lick.

Comment posted by Trick Question deleted Mar 6th, 2020
Group Admin

I’m CoffeeMinion, and I approve this nonsense. :derpytongue2:

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