The Writeoff Association 938 members · 687 stories
Comments ( 717 )
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Group Admin

Event overview

Note for newcomers: While many participants choose to review others' entries, doing so is by no means required nor expected.

Please refrain from saying anything that might compromise your anonymity. Doing so is grounds for disqualification. It's recommended you do dummy reviews of your own stories should it otherwise be easy to deduce which you wrote.

Cold in Gardez
Group Contributor

It begins again.

Not sure if I'll be playing this time -- got a lot of big stuff going on. Good stuff! But it's gonna keep me busy through the new year.

Group Contributor

Have fun, everybody! Hope to hear about some good stories coming out of this. I'll be sitting it out, though.

Group Contributor

No Gardez? No Pascoite?
Maybe I should finally enter this time, when my ego is less likely to get bruised by the final results!

(Was thinking about it anyway, but with end of quarter here, I don't know whether I'll be able to grab time this weekend. It'd be really cool if I could, though!)

Titanium Dragon
Group Contributor

Submitted my prompts~ Hopefully they'll be interesting to folks. We'll see though.

Title Drop turned out quite good despite its silliness.

I'm looking forward to this.

One of us!

One of us!

Group Admin

I'm intending to have an author guessing thingy implemented for the onset of this event.

You'll have the list of entrants, but you won't know how many entries each person made. The most accurate person will get some kind of sleuth award.

It'll look and act pretty much like the vote form, having the ability to periodically update it as you go. Only difference is instead of a series of radio buttons it'll be a single dropdown will all the entrants.

When results are up. I'll have each story list underneath it who was suspected of writing it, so you can see who people thought you were.

Also, since I'm sure Bad Horse will ask:

Using computer analysis on the stories is allowed. The tools are available to anyone, so it's not really an unfair advantage to utilise them, and I can't exactly enforce any rules against using them anyway.

Group Contributor

Out of curiosity, have you ever actually seen that movie?

'cause it's kinda creepy.

Titanium Dragon
Group Contributor

Yes, yes it is. :>

And no, I've never seen it in its entirety. I've seen some parts, but never the whole thing.

Awesome! Incidentally, wasn't there some discussion at some point of reducing the number of prompts each person submitted from four to 1-2? Did we not decide to do that, or is that something we'll consider doing at a later date?

Group Admin

Right. I totally forgot about that.

I've limited the prompts to 1 and deleted everything except people's first prompt submission. Apologies to people that will surely end up confused by this.

Group Admin

That wording implies the number indicates how many you are permitted in total, rather than how many you have left.

Hopefully the prompt this time won't be a meme :pinkiesick:

Titanium Dragon
Group Contributor

Title drop is more of a trope than a meme.

It also actually ended up producing pretty good results, honestly, even if it was a troll prompt.

Group Contributor

Oh, this ought to be fun to see.

Dubs Rewatcher
Group Contributor

Submitted four prompts, as always. And as always, they are Five Iron Frenzy titles.


EDIT: Oh, hey, three of my prompt submissions are gone. Any specific reason?

Group Contributor

3848484 Ah, well that answers my big question. Cool - it'll be interesting to see what people come up with prompt-wise with that limit...

Will we be able to delete our current prompt if we decide to change it before the voting period?

Group Admin

If you go to "My Submissions" you can delete your current prompt and resubmit a new one.

Group Admin
Group Admin

Sweet stars, already? D: I may have to sit this one out too. I thought I'd have another week in between.

Piling a short-story contest back-to-back with "Polished", especially with only a week since the end of the last one, is a rough turnaround. I could cram in a minific, but ...

Group Contributor

Looking forward to this one. :pinkiehappy:

Ah, I might be able to participate. It should be good practice, whether I make it within the time limit or not. (I always end up writing something anyways.)

I'm looking forward to the chosen prompt! :)

Dubs Rewatcher
Group Contributor
Group Contributor

You are my hero. Don't ever stop being awesome.

Not going for the three-peat? Scandal!

Axis of Rotation
Group Contributor

Oh wow that felt fast. But hey I'm not complaining (unlike some people...:trixieshiftright:) Oh wait, I work extended hours this weekend don't I? FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF who cares still gonna shoot for it. Hear that, 3848375 and 3848692? IMA BE STUPID BUSY BUT STILL GONNA TRY IT >:I

Group Contributor

I now feel awful for being one of the only free people here, or at least it seems to be...

On that note, the past two writeoffs I've participated in have yielded awful results, but perhaps I could try again now since I've actually had free time since mid November...

(And I'm probably going to just shit away my time on gaming and YouTube if I don't give myself something immediate to do, so why the hell not?)

Group Contributor

As someone who's more likely to try to vote on everything than to write, I'm okay with what looks like lower participation on a short story round -- I won't get as many stories, but I won't have to rush to read them all!

Group Contributor

I have a few chapters of other fics to tidy up, but I'm in.

Lets do this! Eventually, I have to win one of these things.

I'm new to this and have no idea what's going on or how all this works. I Think I might be in over my head...

Group Admin

You'll be fine. The worst thing that can happen is everyone suspects your story was written by PresentPerfect.

Group Contributor

'Sall good, I'm pretty new too. I'm sure somebody official'll give you a more thorough introduction soon, but right now there's not even any stories for you to spoil.

ETA: Negative twelve seconds of soon.

Group Contributor

Well, I submitted my one prompt, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to participate. After the run-up to and recovery from Thanksgiving, I've still barely touched Appellation Mountains. This will depend on if and how the winning prompt inspires me. (That said, I would like to write something for this one. We'll see how it goes.)

Group Contributor

Hmm, this seems neat. Something to do this weekend, perhaps.

My writing is sub-part at best, so I'll probably just read stories and put in my "two cents" on them; I looked at the user/member list on the writeoff site, and was extremely intimidated. I'm not college educated, so my writing is "simple", for lack of a better term.

Author Interviewer
Group Admin

And this is now my biggest complaint about the polished fic contest. Like 3848692 said, we've just finished a writeoff, and here we are starting another. There's no better way to increase burnout.


sleuth award

Ooh, like a cool pixelly dark glasses-under-fedora getup? :D

Nooo my ability to manipulate the prompts toward story ideas I want to write! D:

hey :(

Oh wow I responded to Roger three times in a row what do I win

Group Contributor


we've just finished a writeoff, and here we are starting another. There's no better way to increase burnout.

I had actually thought it would be a minific contest, given the original schedule suggested in the Schedule thread before the "Polished" fic contest even started. Not sure why it was still a longfic contest after a previous one. =/

Super Trampoline
Group Contributor

3848484 Can we use HTML markup in prompt titles? For example would

Do <i>Not</i> Pass

show up as

Do Not Pass


Group Admin


The Polished contest was an interjection into the schedule. Short story was next up.

Titanium Dragon
Group Contributor

Well, it noted it was going to be a short story in the schedule thread, which apparently none of us bothered to actually read.

School permitting, I'll try to take part in this one

Door Matt
Group Contributor

Uhhh....I did! Just me I guess?


With you out of the way, now's the time for us true amateurs to really shine!

Just submitted my first prompt! Hope I'm able to participate in this round. :ajsmug:

Titanium Dragon
Group Contributor

Bah! It is much more meaningful when you bring down the titans!

Plus CiG is pretty much guaranteed to submit something good if he does, which is good for everyone.

I hope so too!

Baal Bunny
Group Contributor

I'm planning:

To don my bunny ears once more and see what comes dripping out of my fingers.

Hopefully something not as grotesque as that image... :twilightoops:


Super Trampoline
Group Contributor

So, the prompts are up, and somepony submitted "A Perfect Present". Why do I have the suspicion it was
3849187, and why do I have the suspicion that prompt will win? :unsuresweetie:

Group Contributor

3851438 I was joking on TD's blog about how we'd have to get a prompt even more trollish than last time to get entries as good... then someone posted "A Prompt Submission". (It wasn't me, I'm not that clever.)

ETA: Also, there are 37 total prompt submissions as of this writing, which with unique prompts means there are nearly double the number of participants as voters last round. Maybe we'll get a round with only a few authors, but a lot of eyes. I ain't complaining, the less chance my more arbitrary ballot choices have of nuking somebody the better!

Author Interviewer
Group Admin

You suspect wrong, I hate that prompt and have hated it for two contests now.

Also if it was me I would have resubmitted A Perfect Preseb get on my level

Door Matt
Group Contributor

I believe I spy both a Pokemon and a Game of Thrones reference in two of the entries. Well played lads.

Group Contributor

Been fighting a nasty flu for the better part of a week now on top of being bogged down by end-of-the-semester affairs. I'll have to wait and see how things even out over the weekend, but I'll try my darndest to get something in.


Well, every prompt is a fresh start! You never know how well you'll do until you sit down and write. :)

Group Contributor

3852835 True, I guess. :T


Plus, I don't regard writing anything as either useless or a waste of time. I've always been of the opinion that every time I sit down and type out something, I learn something or reinforce a skill I've already learned even if the end result is--as I like to put it--cancer in written form. But that's just my two cents.

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