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Back when I made the favorite chapter group, I had a problem: I HAD TO PICK FROM SO MANY GOOD LEVELS :raritydespair:
So, I thought up a different plan: What's my top five favorite chapters? I'll give you mine, and you all know I like hearing opinions that are within the realm of my interests, so let her rip!

5. Pandora's Labyrinth of Deceit

With me liking Pandora and freaky scenery, there's no way this couldn't make the list. The only thing that held it back was the difficulty level is uber easy.

4. The Aurum Hive
3. Mysterious Invaders
2. The Aurum Brain

K so there are two things I like in video games: fighting robots, and fighting aliens, and when I saw robot aliens and a hilarious overstereotyped action figure talking about them with amazing music, I freaked. The Aurum may be my favorite faction of video game enemy ever, in fact. I use all Aurum weapons, 9.0 all Aurum chapters and have gotten all Aurum achievements! I have 6483 enemies defeated on "Mysterious Invaders" too!

1. Palutena's Temple

HOH. Dis lebel. so gud. The Chaos Kin levels are my 2nd favorite type of levels in the game, and this is where the game really nailed it. Pit has actually become very serious, rescuing Palutena at all costs. With Viridi on his side, the return of Dark Pit and Phosphora, and seeing Hades being an ass as always, this was enough to make my favorite video game level of all time, despite the relatively easy difficulty, which excludes the holy crap moments on the Lightning Chariot.

Here's mine:

1. Palutena's Temple
As I stated in the previous thread, Pit becomes really awesome in this level, being completely serious once on land. On top of that, the level itself is fairly interesting, and doesn't really have any points where it's legitimately just frustrating. The only downside is the fact that no one else takes the events of the level serious and try to crack jokes, but the comedy attempts just come out as forced and out of place.

2-4. The Aurum Arc
I love these chapters equally, so I can't really put them in any decisive order. They're all awesome from top to bottom, and the only difficult part out of the three of them is protecting the Centurion Strongarms in the third one.

5. The Three Trials
To be honest, I can't really pick a reason for why I like this chapter. It features enemies from almost every faction in the game, has some enemies altered in some way(high-speed Dohz, uber Monoeye, etc.), and all in all is kinda frustrating. And yet, I can't bring myself to even dislike it, let alone hate or despise it.

Group Admin

I'd say that my top five favorite levels of Uprising, in no particular order mind you, are:

Chapter 22: Scorched Feathers
Everything I have to say about Scorched Feathers, I said in the other thread. The music is so fitting, we get to control Dark Pit (even though he's just a palette swap), it's almost all air battle, and the plot impact it has.


I just cannot wait to write the Scorched Feathers chapter of my Filly Fluttershy fic. You have no idea what I'm planning for Rainbow Dash (Dark Pit).

Chapter 14: Lightning Battle
I mentioned in the other thread that it makes a nice breather level after The Lunar Sanctum, but I also have to give credit to the intense action going on the the air battle section (though I maintain that this action is almost entirely in the background) and the awesome music.

Chapter 25: The War's End
C'mon, the epic final showdown between Pit and Hades. The protracted, hectic (both the scripted and non-scripted parts), and intense battle that takes up the entire chapter. Am I the one who has to bring up this one? Honestly, the only part of the chapter that I didn't like was Medusa's entrance. She comes out of fucking nowhere and completely ignores her bitter grudge against Palutena and Pit just to pick a fight with someone who has even her out-Goliathed.

Chapter 20: Palutena's Temple
As far as Palutena's Temple goes, and the Chaos Kin saga for that matter, I'll pretty much agree with you. Apart from The Wish Seed and Viridi, Goddess of Nature, this is really the point where the plot not only becomes darker, but actually begins to take itself seriously... except for The Lightning Chariot. That level was completely out-of-place with the general tone of the Chaos Kin saga, except for the Chariot Master's death, and it dragged.

Chapter 6: Dark Pit
Now I'm not sure if I've gotten this across to anyone... but I like Dark Pit the character. Sure, he comes across as a Shadow the Hedgehog-type character during his introduction (a brooding, anti-heroic palette swap of the main character? Noooo, he and Shadow are nothing alike!). But between the chapter's three cool acoustic guitar themes and the bitter tooth-and-nail clash between the two Pits, this level winds up being a breath of fresh air compared to the five before. Don't get me wrong; the first five chapters of the game are all fine levels. But to be honest, they all come across as same-y when put together, and Dark Pit the chapter is the first of many times that a chapter of this game breaks the mold set by the previous levels.

Finally, how about you put up a thread for favorite/least favorite bosses? If you don't, I will. Actually, I'd do it right now, but it's 2AM now.

Group Admin

2083173 Ah yes, I shall! Top 5 bosses it is! I'm up watching an Earthbound Charity Stream so I'm up till four.

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