Scootaloo and Zecora go to an abandoned mine to collect plants for the zebra herbalist's addiction-breaking potion! With the little filly's help, what could possibly go wrong?
The Mane 6, Zecora, and Maud Pie all meet for a private poetry recital in Twilight's hollowed tree home. Together they share their thoughts on many things, mostly in the form of rhyme. Smiles abound.
Fluttershy’s not feeling well, so Pinkie Pie goes to Zecora to find a remedy. Unfortunately, the Princess of Randomness accidentally gets things mixed up and truths start to come out that some ponies would rather have kept hidden ...
Having captured Zecora and the rebels, Queen Chrysalis brings her captured enemies back to Canterlot for punishment. Her own peculiar, twistedly comical brand of punishment.
Pinkie Pie's "It's A New Year To Cheer!" party gets a little out of control, and Twilight Sparkle has to figure out exactly what happened the next day.