20% Cooler Writers and Editors 57 members · 199 stories
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Hello and good morning!

First, a quick synopsis on what my story's about:

Nearly one year has passed since Australian pilots discovered Equestria in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
Now the world watches in awe as, with the Princesses' blessings, one of the most ferocious and dangerous tyrants of the equine world - none other than Chrysalis, the Queen of all Changelings - is marched before one of the highest courts of law of the human world - the International Criminal Court in The Hague, the Netherlands.
But the Queen is wrathful and determined, still one of the planet's single most powerful creatures.
How can mere humans, who know next to nothing of her mystical home, achieve justice for the Equestrians?
Alexander Estermann is a conceited defence attorney who will have to wade through a quagmire of vengeance, racism, manipulation, lies, hearsay and self-deception to get to the core of the affair.
Seemingly the whole world is working against him - up and including the Queen herself.

So, in short, Chrysalis Visits The Hague is, first and foremost, a legal thriller laced with both a little bit of mystery and adventure.
I also provide the cover art for every chapter to exercise my artistic muscle a little.

The rating is Teen, since my language does tend to get a little mature.
There is also the very very slight chance of gore being described. Therefore... Gore.

The story will (probably) take no more than 10 chapters to complete, though this may be subject to change.

Ever since I began the story back in late 2014, I needed a troubleshooter for my grammatical situation (I am not a native English-speaker, so I slip up occasionally and don't notice it until it's too late) and, in the same vein, a pre-reader who can go over the chapters and confirm that they are fit for release in every way - up and including its sense of plot progression (since I do occasionally catch myself indulging in the moment a little bit too long, as evidenced by the thing's sheer length) and the quality of the header images.

Now my previous proofreader and pre-reader (same guy) has retired, and I am in dire need of a new one.

In case someone is interested, I'll be glad to give him or her the chance to catch up on the story a little, and to get a taste of the writing style and other... ahem... quirks.

And as a little incentive, I am ready to feature the lucky volunteer's ponysona in my story!
As a changeling! :pinkiehappy:

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