Digimon Crossovers 168 members · 50 stories
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(Reposted from the Digimon and Ponies forum)

So I'm having some major difficulties choosing some major antagonists for my story. I was planning to have them introduced as soon as the next chapter, but I can't decide which evil digimon would be the most effective villain for the Humane Six to face. I am currently debating between two main ideas right now:

*Using the Seven Great Demon Lords as the main antagonists, and have them try to take over because that's what they do
*Bring in Bagramon as the main antagonist and give him a complex backstory, as well as a new army and minions completely different from the Digimon Fusion anime.

It would help me immensely to hear other peoples' opinions on these ideas. I'd also be willing to hear out other ideas for antagonists if you guys have any.

6021150 I say go with Seven Great Demon Lords the shows/movies only use a few of them.

Yeah I made a crossover with Digimon and Teen Titans I'm planing to have some of them as major villains but one of the Demon Lords will be the final villain and is a Digivolved of a Digimon villain who only seen once Adventure 02 but I'm not spoiling who it is.

Okay thanks for telling me

So you don't want to try to guess which one it is? You only have one chance.

No it's okay but thanks

Yes I'm sure.

Okay but had you read it?

The Digimon and Teen Titans story?

No I don't see how a DC/Digimon cross could work.

Besides the deaths have daily in the DC world?

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