Humans in Equestria 17,325 members · 17,442 stories
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You know that Probe that we sent out into space about 30 or so years ago, containing information on out culture and life for any alien life to see.
So I had an idea, what would would put in your first contact package? It can be anything random. Cause once ponies discover it they are going to be stumped at what the heck we are talking about. Here's mine:

You want the ponies to start bleeding from their eyes?

5640418 it doesn't matter what we put on a first contact package. Humanity will be LONG dead by the time Voyager 1 even reaches the outer edges of the solar system.

Yeah, it hit the heliopause a year ago or so. That's ~100 au out and is officially in interstellar space, but not out of the solar system. It still has to pass through the Oort Cloud, which is a layer of asteroids, comets, etc, about 100,000 au thick. Not to mention survive the ~9000au until it get's there.

So at 25 au a year, Humanity will be less than dust in the wind by the time Voyager gets out of the local cloud. Hell, radio signals are basically background radiation by that point. Voyager's 23 watt radio set would need to be ~110 MILLION watt for a signal to reach Alpha Centauri.

So basically Humanity is pissing in a hurricane and hoping we don't get wet.

5640418 Every video that was ever linked on FimFic, and the stories.
Also, a definition of humanity.

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