Human in Equestria 16,819 members · 16,970 stories
Comments ( 15 )
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Tom likes ponies. Tom likes magic.

Tom uses magic to go to ponies.

And it's everything he dreamed of. So tiny and so fucking cute he just has to scoop one into a hug.

Good thing they love hugs.
And tickles.

But Tom fucked up.

Tom booped the snoot.
Tom didn't know that's how you make pony babies.
Tom booped a lot of snoot.

I wonder which will suck more, the six years community service being guarded by pissed ponies or the 40+ cases of child support?

Hmmm...need something more.

More like Tom Fucked a lot of ponies am I right


tom couldn't keep it in his pockets.

Tom should've use protection.

Tom regret that purchase

This is almost worse than "boop the snoot to make pone orgasm" idea

Sounds like a good slapstick comedy.

ide read it

you can’t fuck a pony if you boop the snoot instead you foolish mortal

Will that make him a serial rapist?

I love it! But, im pretty sure the ponies have reproductive organs, they obviously cant show it because TV-Y7.

I almost lost it in public

And that was just from the description!

No glove, no love.



Maybe booping is just foreplay. It just happens that he's an excellent booper. So much so that many of the mares almost involuntarily move right on to the main event: mutual nuzzling. And we all know where unprotected nose-on-nose contact leads! :ajbemused: Foals...

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