Human in Equestria 16,805 members · 16,966 stories
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Good morning everyone. I hope you don't mind, but I would like to show off share some art with you today.

This was commissioned by me and drawn by deviantartist Danmakuman.

This lovely piece was inspired by this MLP Movie Song:

Shouldn't that pilot being wearing some form of helmet and oxygen mask? (Ladder isn't important at low altitudes, but should still wear a helmet.)

Still good tho

So Awesome!!!:rainbowdetermined2::rainbowkiss:

Is this for a story?

nice style 10/10

Thought about it and said screw the helmet. :ajsmug:

Nope. Just a random idea of mine.

Well.. if you want, you can create a story from it.:twilightsmile:

I might create one in the future. I'm not sure.

Yeah but then I would have to deal with assholes accusing my of stealing from others, and I would have to deal with that annoying beige hamster.

i could see this make really cute and cool comic series

Yep. These two will be the best of friends, flying in the sky, drinking apple cider and cloud watching.:twilightsmile:

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