Legends whisper of a pastry box containing not merely sweets, but a gateway to the farthest reaches of culinary temptation. It is a box that wishes to be opened. And it shall be, heedless of its cost, or calorie-count.
The Day of Chaos saw the best ponies in Equestria become monsters and dreams become nightmares. In Canterlot, two ponies as loyal to each other as they are to Celestia fall foul of Discord's games.
Celestia has dedicated centuries to making Equestria a safe place for her little ponies to live and grow in the lessons of friendship and harmony. Sadly, there are those who spurn the gifts of harmony for the sake of power and material wealth; by any
Having a morning ritual allows a pony to prepare for the coming day with a minimum of thought, thus freeing their minds to contemplate everything from the past to the future... for some this is less then ideal.