A young Applejack sets out to buck apples and ends up with a sickly Rainbow Dash on her back instead. Now carrying the weight of tentative friendship, this farmfilly’s morning has just gotten a lot more complicated.
Storm Weaver had everything they could want in their young life; success, ambitions, and confidence. However, all of that changed when some "Rainbow Dash" entered the scene. As far as Storm Weaver understands, things are about to turn for the worse.
For a change of pace, the Cutie Mark Crusaders spend a day with their big sisters: just not the ones they were born with. This is Sweetie Belle's day...
Rainbow Dash dreams of a foal in the sky, one she can never quite seem to make out. She always recognizes his eyes though as they're just like hers. Just who is he? And why does Rainbow feel like she knows him?
Rainbow’s hurt – and badly. Very badly. But, of course, being Rainbow Dash, it’s not like she’ll actually get help from anypony. She’ll just have to keep going until she collapses.
Rainbow Dash is pregnant. A time will come when she has to stop being a daredevil flier and rest up a bit, but how likely is she to want to hang up her flight suit? Her foal's going to find a way of letting her know, and she won't have long to wait!
Rainbow Dash spends time with her family looking back over a long and happy life as it draws to an end. A bittersweet epitaph to the most awesome flyer of her day.