When the leaves turn golden and crisp, fried by the Summer Sun to a tender perfection, Twilight Sparkle discovers something even MORE alarming than whatever was up with the pegasi in the previous fic.
A young Applejack sets out to buck apples and ends up with a sickly Rainbow Dash on her back instead. Now carrying the weight of tentative friendship, this farmfilly’s morning has just gotten a lot more complicated.
Mistakes can occur even when you're too advanced for your studies... Twilight learns just that when a magical mishap results in both of her pegasi friends becoming foals.
Rainbow Dash sets out to defeat the legendary witch Twilight Sparkle and collect the five hundred million bit bounty on her head. The one thing she wasn't counting on was Twilight being less evil than she expected.
The Mane 6, Zecora, and Maud Pie all meet for a private poetry recital in Twilight's hollowed tree home. Together they share their thoughts on many things, mostly in the form of rhyme. Smiles abound.
Twilight Sparkle invited Rarity and Rainbow Dash to brunch. Then the laws of reality ceased to be. It wasn't really the best time for a lecture, but Twilight was determined to make her point anyway.
Man goes to convention dressed as multiple characters at once. Man purchases a Twilight Sparkle mask. Man regrets his decision as he ends up in a Pokemon-filled Equestria as another Twilight Sparkle. And then, something unexpected... Dawns.
Everything is going according to plan, the crowd is cheering, the routine going perfectly. Rainbow Dash can almost smell a new Wonderbolt uniform in her near future, but then something interesting happens.