Andy Hunter and his closest friend, James Carter, found themselves on a fateful outing with their friends when an unexpected encounter with a mysterious black hole altered the course of their reality.
A young and restless Rarity enlists in the Royal Canterlot Army to help defend what is left of her home. She gets far more than she bargained for in the process.
Rainbow Dash sets out to defeat the legendary witch Twilight Sparkle and collect the five hundred million bit bounty on her head. The one thing she wasn't counting on was Twilight being less evil than she expected.
The fifth Equestro-Griffon war is on the horizon, and Rainbow Dash, along with the rest of the Wonderbolts, looks like she's about to get involved. It will be tough. Will she survive? Or perhaps more importantly, will her relationship with Soarin?
Rainbow Dash just wants to prove she's a real racer. But when she fakes her way into a national competition, she'll learn that maybe she should have been more careful what she wished for.
Man goes to convention dressed as multiple characters at once. Man purchases a Twilight Sparkle mask. Man regrets his decision as he ends up in a Pokemon-filled Equestria as another Twilight Sparkle. And then, something unexpected... Dawns.
A terrified Flurry Heart arrives at the Castle of Friendship seeking help from her favorite foalsitter. Twilight has to lead an army to investigate with the help of Rainbow Dash. Could Sombra have returned and if so how could she stop him?
Years have passed since Twilight Sparkle accidentally took the Mane Six to a parallel gender-swapped world and the friends all believe it’s high time they met up again. But when they do, something goes horribly wrong and Rainbow and Blitz go missing.
When an incredible revelation sends Rainbow Dash's life into a tailspin, she finds herself at the mercy of emotions she never thought she had, faced with hard questions and impossible choices.
What does one do when evil comes and you have your own children to worry about? Do you protect those you love and keep them safe, or do you stand and fight, hoping for the best?
The Cutie Map has activated. But the Mane 6 haven't seen eye to eye lately. Will they be able to save Equestria from their most dangerous adversary yet, or will they tear themselves apart before he has a chance?
How far is Rainbow Dash willing to go in order to break her speed record and plunge straight through the heart of her own sonic rainboom? Will sacrifice triumph over foolishness and pony frailty in Rainbow’s dangerous and ill-fated experiment?
Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack. Kindness, Loyalty, Honesty. What awaits them? What advetures will they find? What challenges they will have to overcome? They're setting sail with the goal to find the road home, but who said goals can'
Join Queen RedDawn - formerly known as Princess Twilight Sparkle - as she attempts to crush the powers of Commander Rainbow Dash and her company of rebels.