Everfree Northwest Readers and Writers 286 members · 305 stories
Comments ( 13 )
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Official EFNW
Group Admin

Do you know some good lesser known pieces of fanfiction by authors other than yourself? Let us know by linking them bellow and telling us a little bit about the fic and why you liked it. Some of our volunteers might give them a look over and recommend them. If we do recomend them we'll send you a thank you and your post will be deleted.

I'm assuming teen rated and below, right? :)

Piquo Pie
Group Admin


Family Friendly yes.

SKITTISH is a classic ghost story starring Cheerilee's class, in which they go to a cemetery for part of their field trip (nice, huh?). Their guide is happy to take the class on a tour while Cheerilee and Big Macintosh warm up in the mansion, and while the children are taken on the tour, they may just learn something about the cemetery and its history...

(Hopefully that works. :twilightsheepish:)

Ghost Lights, by Winston. (its prequel, 'Seashell' is equally as good!)

Psychichscubadiver's The Endless Song.

A beautiful character piece about the Sun and its favorite pony.

Official EFNW
Group Admin

4132210 I will recomend this.

-Piquo Pie

Piquo Pie
Group Admin


Look for this recommendation in the next review post.

A bit late here, but I'd still like to attract some attention to the story The Lover's Edda

This fantastic story is LITERALLY one of a kind, teaching it's readers about the language, culture and traditions of the people in the old Norse (Scandinavia during the time of the Vikings, for the unknowing) in a beautiful tale of love and loss.

Being Swedish myself and having had contact with the author, I can tell that the information is as correct as it's possible for it to be and the author know what he's doing. I'd love for more people to see this story and give it a chance.


Well let's see:

The Motion of the Stars- I love adventure and darker themes with a thoughtful twist. I also don't particularly like Rarity and love Sweetie Belle. This is a wonderful story with both adventure, that thoughtful darkness, and sadness that feels real rather then just boo-hoo randome tragedy everywhere. Yet, not only is it well written but it also has Rarity and this is one of the few stories that makes me love her and she truly is in her Element.

Back and Forth- an interesting and somewhat macabre story about Cadance spreading the spirit of love to those who need it most in the face of unspeakable tragedy with plenty of mystery, Real Feels, and mythology.
Criminally Underrated.

Essenza di Amore- A Cadance backstory complete with meaningful names, a metal soundtrack, spot-on deep characterization of even the most minor characters that really makes them pop, some lovely drama, and an antagonist who is simply misunderstood done *right*.

The Last Dreams of Pony Island- a dark and mysterious poetry thriller that leaves you on the edge of your seat guessing about the truth behind the murder. Told from the dreams of multiple characters all of whose voices are captured in lovely verse that simply flows. It's also pretty dark. :yay:

Tangled Roots Trilogy- It is slice of life that isn't treated as simply mundane not adventure with drama, tragedy, well made OCs, compelling backstories, imagery and antagonists, plenty of adventure, laughs and stellar world building, it really helps remind me why I write. I have linked the first story.

The Successors- This story does something that typically sends up so many red flags you'd swear that there was someone just giving away truckloads of the stuff: it has two alicorn OC protagonists. But unlike every Mary Sue or Red and Black terror they are truly wonderful and fleshed out characters with their own flaws and talents. The head canon in here is riveting and the writing is good, you feel great when the characters succeed and worried when they see danger. There is even lovely art to go with it.

What is left- A Rarity and Sweetie Belle thriller/tragedy with fast pacing, great details and clever motifs fitting of a Shakespearean tragedy.

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