A young Precursor guardian, forced to flee from his home by the threat of an overzealous dominion, seeks refuge amongst the stars-- hoping to answer the questions left behind by the strange disappearance of a powerful entity.
After an undead creature attacks Apple Bloom, Princess Celestia sends Fluttershy to attempt to reform the assailant. That brief contact leaves an irreversible mark on Fluttershy's life. Follow her descent into a whirlwind of misery and despair.
Luna and Octavia are busier than ever with the Grand Galloping Gala fast approaching. Both of them have a long night ahead of them, and if all goes well should meet the next morning for breakfast.
A few Nightwatch soldiers are transferred from the Northern Front to the Eastern Front. The have a night of R&R at their disposal, and choose to make the best out of it.