Fluttershy and Rarity are undoubtedly very close, but was Nightmare Moon's appearance the first time they'd spoken with each other? Perhaps there was more going on the day they got their cutiemarks than we know of.
Despite loving Rarity, Fluttershy knew she'd never be what the unicorn deserved. That was fine, though. Maybe one day she'd be brave enough to do something about it, but for now, she was happy just to sit with her and pass the time.
Rarity had been undergoing something of a holt when it came to her work in the fashion business. She lacks inspiration, motivation and her drive, and seeks to regain such attributes in time for her upcoming winter reveal
Rarity has fused with the Nightmare force, and their bond cannot be broken. But to what lengths would Fluttershy go to reach the pony she loves? Sometimes it takes a monster to tame a monster...
Somepony, or something, is stalking Rarity. Through the lamp-lit streets of Manehattan, to the cozy avenues of Ponyville, something is dogging her steps. Something dark and predatory.
Life is a garden, beautiful when it blooms. More than time and more than labor, it requires devotion. Rarity and Fluttershy have been growing a garden for years, even if only one of them knows it.