Crustaceanism 31 members · 9 stories
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1: We are thine gods the crustaceans. Thou shalt worship no others beside us.

2: Thou shalt honor and obey thine gods and their prophets, for their word is as truthful as ours.

3: Thine life and soul art belong to us. Thou shalt sacrifice mind and body before disgracing thine lords and gods.

4: Thou shalt spread the word of the gods to all heretics and infidels, and should they refuse to listen, t'is thine holy duty to obliterate them and their lineage.

5: Thou shan't keep a mate to thine self, for all are equal and free from each other, but not from the gods. All females and males are each others' mates.

6: Thou shan't keep a child to thine self, for thine offspring are of the gods, and to keep one is to defy them. Thine sons and daughters shall be raised by the priests and in consequence, by the gods.

7: Thou shalt take thine place among the ranks and files of the gods' armies at least thrice in thy lifespan.

8: Thou shalt sacrifice thine firstborn to the gods as an offering of submission.

9: Thou shan't harm thine fellow crustacean, unless he has been proven to be guilty of heresy!

10: Thou shalt never copulate with lesser species should you be a crustacean, and should you be a lesser one, thou shan't seek the embrace of the superior race.

11: Thou shalt always refer to the heretics as such, and thou shalt always look down upon the lesser non-crustacean species, for they are inferior in every way.

All Hail!


All Hail!

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