Twenty Great Stories 61 members · 11 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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Group Admin

Because nobody has nominated it yet :unsuresweetie:

Group Admin

Nominate it. :twilightsmile:

Because this group runs on nominations, and apparently no-one has nominated it yet.

What you want to do, then, is wait until the next nominations thread shows up--they seem to crop up every four to six weeks or so, despite the officially stated policy--and drop a link to the story in that thread as soon as it shows up. Adding the title, a few sentences explaining why you think it deserves to be in here, and possibly the cover pic are recommended, but not required. Then you wait another four-to-six weeks. If it's truly great--and as I remember that one, it's at least really, really good--It should show up in here at around the end of that time.

There's a couple threads on how the process works, and some old threads that haven't been cleaned out from past cycles, if you want to know more.

I'm the third person to reply in this. Are we annoying yet? :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin


What you want to do, then, is wait until the next nominations thread shows up--they seem to crop up every four to six weeks or so, despite the officially stated policy--and drop a link to the story in that thread as soon as it shows up. Adding the title, a few sentences explaining why you think it deserves to be in here, and possibly the cover pic are recommended, but not required. Then you wait another four-to-six weeks.

:pinkiegasp: How can you say those things?! How could -- yeah, that's pretty much how it's been going for a while now. :twilightsheepish:

The good news is that it should slowly tighten up. And as soon as we've got our first twenty selected, I'm going to drop a note on the next "groups" blogpost.

The bad news is that -- no, wait, there's no bad news. I was actually pretty amused by this description. :rainbowlaugh:

Innnteresting. What are you planning? :trixieshiftright:
Or is this just the "we're going to switch to bumping stories every time we add one" that was said to be coming sooner or later?
And hey, I've been sloppy about keeping up with the group, too. (Actually, I've been really, really, really sloppy. But.)

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