Tyrant Sparkle 1,418 members · 361 stories

Tyrant Sparkle

Posting Rules
0) Tyrant Sparkle is defined as Twilight Sparkle exercising her power with Impunity. Impunity is defined as being able to to do something with little fear of retribution or punishment sometimes known as tyranny.
1) Stories should be posted in one subcategory under "Perceived Intensions" and once under "Position of Leadership".
2) Stories may be posted to any relevant special interest folders that the user has access to.
3) If you are the author of a story and know that Twilight will be a tyrant in the future or in a sequel feel free to add it. Be sure to add it to "Author Confirmed Future Tyrant Sparkle".
4) Stories that have a high likelihood of being Tyrant Sparkle based on the story description or based on reading can be added to "Unconfirmed Tyrant Sparkle".


Some stories will not show up if you have "View Mature" unchecked!

For a folder containing all Tyrant Sparkle stories, scroll down!!!
"Confirmed Tyrant Sparkle!" story count = 50 (5/12/14)


Redemption(3)(SPOILERS! To avoid spoilers, all stories in this folder can be seen in the folder above "Evil" folder)

Special Interest

List updated: (5/12/14) (1/30/16)