FIMFiction UserScripts 383 members · 0 stories
Comments ( 18 )
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Group Contributor

1. The admins couldn't wait for us to read our feeds
2. Immediately started abusing their new top-of-page notifications with annoyances like "Fluttershy is best pony" and "[...] they'll just come back"
3. Didn't provide a "Social Site Posts"-like toggle to show only ones that are actually relevant
4. Wrote it so that middle-clicking all of the new chapters in the Tracking shelf results in having to hide the message countless times

Here's a userstyle to kill the feature entirely until it's proven to bring more gain than pain.

Site Owner
knighty #2 · May 1st, 2015 · · 4 ·

I'm just gonna say it. You are deranged.

4326696 Unless mods aren't allowed now, he has a right to create and share any mods he wants so long as they follow the site rules. And so far, it does.

Site Owner

4326729 From now on, all mods must be paid and share 75% of their revenue with Fimfiction. So this is an illicit mod

4326732 Huh, I actually smiled at a post by you.

Group Admin

4326732 Let's start a petition and call the Userscript scene ruined.

In all honesty, I kinda like the new feature, although it would've been nice to have a Site Blog explaining it a little.

Group Contributor

I like the new feature in principle... just not in practice.

If it were limited to things which were highly contextual (eg. "Changes saved") or time-sensitive, then it'd be fine... but putting things with neither of those attributes there when we already have a feed view is a distracting, annoying step backwards.

Site Owner


1. It's 2 lines tall.
2. It's for important messages I want everyone to see
3. It can be hidden in a second.

I do not understand your beef. Are you just that mad that I used a funny little test message to test the system?

Wait, so you added an "emergency broadcast system" and tested it with a cute message instead of a boring old "this is a test of the emergency broadcast system, please ignore", and this is a bad thing? :rainbowhuh:

Group Contributor


My main issue is that it interacts so badly with my tendency to middle-click open a batch of chapters in my tracked stories. If closing it on one tab could propagate to other tabs without reloading them (and without my having to bog down my already-heavy Firefox by setting NoScript to allow other functionality), I'd have no problem with it.

The other minor annoyances just built on it. Mainly that I received not one but two test messages that gave no indication that they were intended as test messages rather than immature tomfoolery and, after what felt like two days to me (my sleep cycle is weird), I still saw no official explanatory announcement.

If it helps to better understand my psyche, I have three independent layers of ad-blocking (NoScript, AdBlock, DNS-level), with two AdBlock warning removal lists installed at the AdBlock layer and quite a bit of hand-tuned CSS, JavaScript, Python, shell script, and Lua fine-tuning not only the sites I visit, but the browser and OS as well. Given my Asperger's/ADD mix (professionally diagnosed) introduces certain sensory overload issues, I mitigate the resulting stress by being a bit obsessive about how I experience what is under my control.

For better or for worse, I'm the kind of person who'd probably get injured or killed because he successfully sound-insulated, phone-ringer-disabled, and online-only-entertained his way beyond the reach of any sort of geographically specific emergency broadcast mechanism. (Not that it's difficult these days. I don't think Canada ever had a TV-based emergency broadcast system and everyone I know hangs up the phone the instant the caller is revealed to be a recording.)

4326833 But Knighty, that second was a precious second that could've been used clicking on the latest giant-anthro-futa Fluttershy fic!

Think of the clopping, Knighty!

Really, tho. The fuck is the big deal? I giggled and hid the message. Ain't even mad.


The only beef is that you blatantly misspelled "Applejack" in the message. :derpytongue2:

4326833 I saw it and I thought it was an add-on I had doing it, not the site itself. Huh.

No, no. He spelled "Fluttershy" correctly. Y'know, yellowquiet? Butterfly butt? She lives in a cottage near the woods with wild animals that she tamed because that's just how she rolls.

Ignore the profile pic. I'm not biased in this matter at all.


Flutterbutter be pretty aight, don't get me wrong, but if you were truly unbiased, you would be agreeing with me. Ain't that right, AJ?


I agree with you. Aj is best background pony.

Group Admin

4327031 4328496
What's this? A best pony discussion and not one of you were able to spell Lyra correctly?



That's a funny way of spelling Twilight Sparkle.

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