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Iceverse minifics. Little bits of world building, style experiments, character pieces, and such dumped in this anthology. Also, stuff I never finished and poems.
Pinkie Pie is dating The Smooze, and together, they're an unstoppable party machine. Twilight and the gang have decided to break them up. It goes... perfectly fine. Nothing goes wrong at all. NOTHING.
Rainbow Dash takes a new substance at Soarin's behest and goes to a concert with her consciousness already warping into a different dimension... WITH EXISTENTIALLY SUGGESTIVE RESULTS?
Haha, classic ST, walking a mile down the hill to eat a giant Chipotle burrito, going to Albertson's for alcohol, walking a mile back up the hill, and dashing off this story about Big Mac, Owlowiscious, Sci Twi, Kludgetown, and Maretonia in an hour!
Man, a lot of stuff happens in this story. Spike ODs on cocaine, Twilight has to revive him, somepony gets murdered, Gilda is a baker now I think, the CMC beat up Diamond Tiara, & there's a gryphon pimp named Pussycat McGee. A collab with TheRedBrony
In this exciting collab with the late great Fattymagee1, Princess Cadance explodes and turns into a refrigerator, Shining Armor seeks out molly as a substitute for cheese, Ember and Thorax get it on while rolling, and Twilight tries to seduce her bro
Humans don't have (as much) magic as ponies, so they get their psychedelic kicks in... other ways. Fluttershy's friend Tree Hugger has procured a substantial amount of one such way of getting one's kicks. Twilight's about to blast off.
Pinkie's Cocaine dealer is an anthropomorphic cat named Thrilla Vanilla. Things don't go too well for him. A cursory discussion of Equestrian drug culture and policy also occurs. And also interspecies breeding.