When Humanity met Ponykind, things went poorly for humanity. A Unicorn named Prancer travels back in time, and sets out to solve the "Human problem" with a magical virus that'll "take the evil out of Humanity". What could possibly go wrong?
A human shaman from another world must face an evil king that threatens Equestria by way of slavery and poverty. All while learning about friendship through the darkest of times.
Dimentio drags a surprised closet-brony into Equestria. Along the way, he learns of the magic of friendshi-Nope! Instead Dimentio begins a new quest to destroy everything and create his own perfect dimensions that he may rule.
Chrysalis has wormed her way into the heart of a mighty empire, and uses the unknowing ponies as pawns in her quest for revenge against Twilight, Cadance and Equestria