Bronies Stand United v2 71 members · 300 stories
Comments ( 8 )
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This thread is meaningless and pointless:facehoof:
But i love it :pinkiehappy: :rainbowhuh:

Prince Solstice
Group Admin

1005544 Welcome to Bronies stand united, where the users are mostly trolls, and we laugh at anything and everything. Yet somehow we still all support each other.

That is either the most stupid, ridiculous thing i have ever heard :rainbowlaugh: or :rainbowhuh:................
it may be the most genius thing ever wrote :pinkiegasp:
who knows? :derpyderp2: Who cares, right? :ajbemused:

Prince Solstice
Group Admin

1006598 I don't know, who does actually care? I guess I don't I mean, after all I totally don't support love and tolerance. #sarcasm

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