Planetside 2 60 members · 10 stories
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I know this is Fimfiction and so there is an expectation that a Planetside 2 game would crossover with MLP, but what other franchises do you think Planetside could easily crossover with (or have a three-way crossover with MLP)?

Off the top of my head, I can think of:

Starcraft - The Vanu, NC, and Terran Republic could be Terrans who showed up in a different sector of space and make their way to the sector where the Starcraft games take place in. See how the three factions react when they come across the Protoss, Zerg, and the Terran Dominion. Would the factions team up or keep fighting eachother?

Mass Effect - I first found Planetside 2 after finishing Mass Effect 2 and I was struck at how similar the two series seemed to be at least combat wise. Though mostly its the existance of personal shields and projectile weapons that make the two similar for me, Planetside doesn't have cover-based shooting.

Any others?

How about Halo? :twilightsheepish:

It has so little canon it should be easy to crossover with anything, really.

How about ARMA? Seems like they would get along.


Group Admin
S73 #6 · Dec 7th, 2013 · · ·


This. Just don't expect a happy ending to be easy- everyone hates one another and they are all embroiled in endless war. Kinda dark actually...


And definitely this!

2325709 .......Civilization: Beyond Earth?

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