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So, what faction do you guys fight for/support? And why?

I'm a loyal Vanu supporter. Because we're clearly the good guys.

New Conglomerate for the win!

1004925 Liberty or death!!!:flutterrage:

'nuff said. :ajsmug:

Caboc #6 · Aug 19th, 2013 · · 2 ·

Vanu Sovereignty. Their outfits look distinct from their enemy, they promote immortality and nanotech, and their main battle tanks actually handle like their designers knew what they were doing.

Ever had to back up a Vangard or Prowler in the middle of a firefight, only to have the controls inexplicably invert on you and cause your vehicle to drive itself off a cliff or right into the crosshairs of the enemy? Ever had that same problem happen to a Magrider?

I rest my case.

Look at all these NC kiddies, and easymode players :D


We got the best fighting music

And we stand for the freedom of the people

SPACE 'MURICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For Freedom!:flutterrage::flutterrage:

1003911 The way I see it, there are no 'good guys' in this. Each has their own agenda, seeking the betterment of Auraxis for different reasons. The TR was once a democracy that went sour when events in the lore occurred, turning it into a totalitarian state, with restricted laws and no freedom of speech. Which they perceive as 'setting limits' to stabilize Auraxians.

The NC are the product of said limitations, using guerrilla tactics and hard hitting weaponry to subdue any opponent, even if it means endangering civies and innocents. They perceive that any rules equal oppression and care about 'liberating' Auraxis when they are being a threat to it as well.

Finally the Vanu are a group of scientists and converts who want to use augmentation and painful procedures to 'advance' the human condition, and make it so that we might not be considered human anymore. And they see anyone who openly attacks their religion as enemies and attack without remorse.

But that's just my two cents, if anyone can think of a better compromise, I'm all ears!:pinkiehappy:


I'd say that all of the factions are good guys ... from a certain moral perspective.

The Terran Republic from a certain perspective represent order, stability and peace. That just as Terran Republic on earth brought world peace it could do the same here. From a certain perspective they are the legitimate authority, the legitimate government that can be traced back to earth. The elections are still being held and sure not all political ideas are publicly permissible anymore those laws were created by the legitimately elected government in the first place.

The New Conglomerate represent a certain construction of the idea of freedom. A libertarian socialist for instance would reject this construction due to its friendliness to and backing of corporate interests. An extropian libertarian would criticism it for not providing morphological freedom and for being too socially conservative. But if you happen to share this perspective of freedom then they are the good guys.

I doubt the Vanu's procedures are that painful considering that they don't reject anesthetic. :rainbowwild: Sure they use augmentation in such a way that they improve upon the human condition in such ways that from certain perspectives these individuals aren't human anymore but if you're a transhumanist (and I am) that's not necessarily a bad thing. As long as the important qualities of humanity are retained, whatever you believe them to be, then why not cast off human weakness and frailty? From a certain moral perspective that I happen to hold they represent progress. If death itself can be defeated by a technology (rebirthing) is holding back that technology from the public (as the Terran Republic attempted) not equivalent to murder? If a bionic implants is the next step forward does rejecting it (as the New Conglomerate does) represent a reject of progress and an embrace of stagnation? And the enemies of their religion have generally been attacking them with tanks and such.

1003911 all hail papa Vanu and the nicest asses on Araxis

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