Into the Black 323 members · 4 stories
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Since we're getting closer and closer to "kinda getting there" rather then "we're out of toner," I figured it should be a good idea to start collecting for the next stage of production. Plots are coming into fruition. Nice, juicy, round plots....


Huh, where was I?

Although there are four main fanfics, everyone is welcome to write their own stories in this universe. If you need assistance coming up with an idea, we have a thread going which has the sole purpose of being a breeding ground for new ideas, species, technologies, and stories: The Think Tank. However, I think we should get together and pool our resources. I'm here to compile a list of the typical story making talents. Providing you all are willing and capable, there are job slots to fill.

As of this moment, we are not in the production stages. This is just to compile these lists ahead of time for when we all need them, even if you guys want to make an entry. When we start writing, this comment will be deleted and a team of specially trained Men in Black and sexy ninja assassins will be dispatched to your house to assist you in forgetting this comment

If you wish to be a part of these lists, please state in the comments below, or PM me, Journeyman, directly. If you are active and capable, your name will be in black weird green hyperlink text. If you are unable to do any duties you have claimed for whatever the personal or professional reason, please do the same and contact me. Those name currently unable to take requests will be in red.

The first is the standard: editors. This is the standard list of those who are capable and willing to read through documents and correct the usual spelling and grammar errors. There is, or course, the Prereader document. 

The second, prereaders. Prereaders are very similar to editors, except for a single regard. A prereader has the specialized job of spotting incongruities in a story's plot, pacing, or canon credentials. There is already a specific set of laws and rules because we have read a story about magical talking ponies. A prereader is skilled in spotting discrepancies in those rules.

Who doesn't love a good title card? A good title card is eye catching, yet not overly frenetic. It needs good detail in the right spots, but leave a little to the imagination. There is an exceedingly robust group on the site that holds artists, but I figured I would complete the set and add the list here.

Midnight Spark

Midnight Spark


Creative Consultants

If you need some help with random creativity, you can ask these ponies, or refer to The Think Tank.

Lastly, I have collected a little Compendium of random knowledge and skills. If you find yourself inexperienced in a certain field, feel free to peruse for help.

I'd be happy to add my name for editing/prereading, if you need more information just reply, or PM me and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Group Contributor

Thou hast been added.

By the way...

A god title card...

I want a god title card. :fluttercry: However, I am almost entirely sure you meant good.

Though hast been added.

Thou, perhaps?

:scootangel: I swear I'm not a smartflank. I swear.

Group Contributor

There is a reason I am a prereader first and an editor second. I am reminded of it, and I hate myself every day because of it. :pinkiesad2:


Awww... Don't be so hard on yourself...:twilightsmile: From what I've seen, you're a writer before both. So, you've beaten me there. :ajsmug:

I've already gotten permission to do editing from 2 of the main story writers who are doing this verse however I'll be open to do everyone else who are joining in, just drop a message and I'll get right back to you once I can. :pinkiehappy:

Group Contributor

I think I was one of them, although that was a while ago. Anyway, you've been added.

Group Contributor

I'd like to be an engineer, designing machines and things for people who want/need them. I can do this with Legos for some things, but others would have to be hand drawn.

Group Contributor

Hmm.... I'll need your help when the time comes. I'm going to be using a fair amount of technology.

Group Contributor

1348983 I can wait, but at the same time, I can't.

I can help with overall idea for planets, resistance movements, and the like. Mr. Idea I can be. :raritywink:

I would like to be added to the pre-reader list, my grammar is decent, but my specialty lies in critiquing writing. I will be free and able to work up until August 20th, after that time, I will be gone for a period of two months, and have no internet access. But afterwards, I would be more than happy to resume my duties.

Group Contributor

I'm going to make up another list for you two. "Creative consultant" sounds official and fancy enough.

Group Contributor

1350839 I look forward to possible idea collaboration, fellow creative consultant. *holds out hand*



Sounds good. :pinkiehappy:


As am I :rainbowdetermined2:

Group Contributor

Ain't love companionship beautiful? *sniff*

Group Contributor
Group Contributor

Say, how good are your drawing skills? I've got something akin to a boss fight coming up in my story. I need an intimidating enemy.

Group Contributor

2091594 My drawings are more limited to weapons and such. However, I could make something on Lego Digital Designer. Just give me the basic parameters of this boss (limb count, body type, color, weapons, etc) and I'll see what I can build.

I can create characters!

Group Contributor

I have a total of four boss fights so far. One I have designed myself, and another I have a fairly good idea about how to run, but there are two that need work. What do you say, wanna build a boss battle?


What sorta of bosses you looking for?

Group Contributor

PMed? Particle Mediated Epidermal Delivery?

Anyway watcha need? A hulking monster? A shady rival? Maybe a cunning kingpin?
Perhaps even a betrayer?

Group Contributor

All of them. Details in the PM I'm sending you now..

Oh, I'd do pretty much any of this at the moment 'cept artistry, because I draw like I have Parkinson's, well, I have a crap ton of hand shakes so yeah. But my brain is good and you misspelled of in 'or course, the prereader doc'

Group Contributor

You two ready for a chapter? Think of it as a trial run for you, to see what you can find.

:derpyderp2: I honestly had completely forgotten about this. But, yes. I'm still more than happy to help out!

Group Contributor

I'll give you my prologue in a PM. The more you find, the less likely I'll feed you to a rancor.

Alrighty! And I hate when I get fed to creatures..

Group Contributor
Group Contributor

Don't care how small the error or logic fallacy. Report everything you see. It gets you repeat calls.

Oh man, I'm with you on this Midnight. This completely escaped my mind, entered the stratosphere, and is now circling around the fifth planet in solar system Alpha 58.

But yeah, I can go hard core critique on this. I would like to go over it a couple times, depending on the length of the story, and just how much is going on, so I can fully construct a list of issues, pros, cons, et ceterea. Probably take me a couple days at most.

Group Contributor

I'll leave you with a prologue for the moment. I have three chapters complete, a fourth I could finish in about an hour, and a fifth that's fully scripted.

The first chapter is thematically dissimilar from most of the story, but that's sort of the point. Make of it what you wish. PMed.

Group Contributor

The rancor still applies, though.

I had to reread the thread and think... hard... to remember actually commenting on this. :derpytongue2:

Group Contributor

It was only almost a year ago.

Sorry, Rancor? I am not familiar with the term.

Okay, I did a pretty rough, really basic, critique of the chapter. If you could take a look, and let me know what you think, as in, do you need more information, less, do you want me to elaborate more, focus more on a few, key, specific, things, et cetera. As I have found, everybody has different expectations, and desires, especially when it comes to getting their work critiqued. I will do another look through tomorrow, after I let everything stew for a few hours.

2956386 And me what? I don't understand the question?

Group Contributor

Would you like a first look at one of the four stories?

Indeed, giddiness aside, I would love to pass my spectacles over your work and try to find errors and correct them.

P.S I make a terminator sound when I destroy an error.

Group Contributor

2958036 he described it, basically as future Detroit.

That wasn't what I was going for, but that's what I'm going for now. :eeyup:

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