Equestria is in danger, now Mane 6 and Turtles need to reconsider, leave differences behind and be friends again to save Equestria from these terrible villains.
The turtles went on an adventure in another world called Equestria to saved it from the evil Kraangs, but for that, they needed to learn more about this new world, but luckily they meet the Mane 6.
Ranma Saotome has learned through experience that everyday comes with its fair share of Discord. Just never that those days would begin and end with two sisters.
Based on the Super Cafe series. A short series of what-if scenarios had everyone in the series practice hindsight, foresight, and common sense to prevent some of the story's biggest plot-holes.
When the CMC asked Discord to help them attend magic school, he pulled an owl out of his hat. Only he didn't exactly have a hat. Which was okay, since their new school had a singing one laying around. Where the hay was Hogwarts anyway?
Harry Potter, after a beating by Dudley and friends — with the help of a real gang member — wishes he had somewhere safe to go, and starts crawling home. He ends up in Equestria. The CMC find him. A year later, an owl brings his Hogwarts’ letter!
With their alliance freshly created, Harry Dresden and the Equestrians must work to turn the tide in the White Council's ongoing war, and uncover a new potential threat.
As a dark storm cloud emerges over Equus, it may fall to the most unlikely warriors from both sides of the mirror to save them all... (A Kamen Rider Dragon Knight crossover)
Trixie Lulamoon has just fled Ponyville after the debacle with the ursa minor. She now needs to search for her fortune and fame elsewhere. (Un)Fortunately for her, a random mare from seemingly nowhere arrives. Slayers Crossover
Alpha Church appears in Equestria: He is now an Alicorn with ponifed Halo armor and weapons, along with the AIs(Beta/Tex included) made from his fragmented mind, which may or may not be deteriorating. They may not be sure how to react to him.
After setting out on a quest for vengance, our hero finds herself stranded in a strange land. How will she react to the strange inhabitants of this land? And how will they react to her... Unique... Appearance?
Twilight's views of her world were shattered as the Doctor came crashing into her life, quite literally. Now a mysterious threat looms over Ponyville, and it seems that the only pony who can stop it is The Doctor himself. How convenient!