The Petriculture Cycle 455 members · 8 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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Group Admin

It was recently brought to my attention that Meme-asaurus decided to take the basic plot idea of Petriculture and adapt it so it would work in the context of his story, The Unexpected Love Life of Dusk Shine (and acknowledges as much in his Author's Notes). Clearly, this is the sort of thing that would be of interest to members of this group, but just as clearly, it does not belong in the spinoff folder.

The obvious solution is to make a new folder for stories that borrow ideas from The Petriculture Cycle, but aren't set in its alternate universe (or even an alternate version of its alternate universe). What's much less obvious (at least to me) is what to call that folder. Although Meme-asaurus called his use of my ideas a "shout-out," I'm not sure if I want to use that, as it seems to imply a passing reference, when what he actually did was take my idea and make it a significant part of the story he was already telling.



I would go with "Inspired Works".

+1 Vote for Inspired Works

"other related stuff"?

+2 Vote for Inspired Works

Also: I see what you did there.

Group Admin

973894, 973954, 973992 - "Inspired Works" it is.

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