The Petriculture Cycle 455 members · 8 stories
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Group Admin

Greetings, readers. I wanted to let you know where I am in the writing process.

As of the posting of this thread, I'm roughly 1/3 of the way through the final stage of prewriting. If you're wondering why so much more effort is going into the planning stages of this story than is usual for me, it's because I'm writing the story in chronological order, but that's not necessarily how it'll be told. (Don't worry, we're not talking Memento here. Trust me, it'll make sense.


On a side note, are there any Tropers in the group? I'm asking because the cycle's page is a little sparse when it comes to Avocation and Pi, and it always feels a little weird to edit it myself.

Oh geez, this isn't gonna be a time travel thing, is it? Those stories always leave my brain leaking out my ears. :derpyderp1:

I have a TVTropes account, but I know next to nothing about the various shorthands you need to know to make changes. I literally got it so I could add my own questions on the MLP headscratchers page, and learned basically ONLY how to do that.

EDIT: Oh, and I also have a mind like a sieve and would need to re-read them, and then vainly attempt to remember the applicable trope names.

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