The Petriculture Cycle 455 members · 8 stories
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Yes, you read that right. π was only ever intended to have 3 chapters, mostly because its primary purpose is to set up the final story in the cycle (and to address the subject of alicorns, which I would rather not have remain as a lingering distraction). I'm in the planning stages of that chapter, though in its current state it isn't even ready for my prereaders yet.

But, looking ahead, I can tell you a little bit about the final story, which I intend to begin writing almost immediately after this story finishes (well, after another chapter of Flash Fog is written, anyway). After mulling my ideas over with my prereaders, I've settled on the title Agharta. Like Inscape, Avocation, and π, this title is significant for more than one reason, although whether a title drop happens anywhere in the story has yet to be determined. Among the subplots that will be dealt with, one is what I consider to be the last major issue that needs to be explained before I start actively encouraging recursive fanfiction: Discord's origin story.

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