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7041056 Mind you, a lot of fans were concerned since you can rebuild the body. But the soul? Is that even possible? Apparently for Dr. Polendina it is.


now we need roman back

He was a normal criminal eaten alive, I don’t think there’s a cure for that and we already had cinder’s unlikely survival and in the grand scheme of things in the villains, Roman is pretty small fry

I don’t mind but isn’t this spoilery

well yeah but he was the villain that actual was interesting.

I don’t see any point to be honest as team rwby have taken on bigger threats so if he somehow survived and they fought, Roman could very well turn out to become just as much a joke as his chibi self

I don't think thry have adam was pure power but Roman was smarter and cinder is to much ego I see her being killed by neo

7041187 Not entirely sure on that regard. I mean it was speculated and not outright said that Penny would return but then again the first episode did just premiere and you know how RT is about spoilers.

I always wondered why they couldn't just rebuild her.

7041299 She was bisected into four different pieces. A simple repair job wasn't going to do it. She had to be rebuilt from the base up, they were lucky that her core was undamaged.

Seriously? SWEET! also, CALLED IT! goddamn I can't wait to see the season

I don’t think roman was actually smarter as he was basically jsut cinder’s hired thug

With Adam and with how insane he was, bloodthirsty and how much of a terrible leader he was to the white fang, at least he was a lethally dangerous fighter

Roman was just a mere criminal compared to the other threats rwby has faced since the battle of beacon

you know his abilty was perfect aim right that's why they had to always block or doge his every shot

From what I just saw on the rwby wiki it’s jsut talent and nto really powers since it says he never discovered his semblance

it was said at a rtx panel. also wikis are fan made and any one that signs up can change what they say so can not 100% trust them as they are not official.

Well it came from a tumblr a and a apparently the source

But I get roman got popular so he became more than the one off bad guy he was intended to be

he was the only stand out bad guy besides Neo and Emerald. all the others feel... plane generic or flat

So I'm a week late, but please don't make posts like this. Hide the spoilers in spoilers. I have a First account, so even if I had seen this a week ago I probably would've seen the episode already, but a lot of us don't have First accounts.

He may have had more fo a personality but I see no reason why he should return if the small chance he had survived
He woudl be out of his league now, he was a glorified thug in the grand scheme of things and if team rwby sees him again they would react just as how Blake did when she told Adam she has bigger things to worry about

I believe the source saying he didn’t discover his semblance and I think any fight against him with how team rwby are now would be a total cake walk in rwby’ s favour

It would be like penguin trying to make himself a big threat while batman is too preoccupied helping the jl with darkseid

Ruby "how are you alive? You know what I don't care Juane handle him."

Juane "Right."

Then Juanes only epic fight ever lol

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