Dinosaurs in Equestria 163 members · 13 stories
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Can Equestria have prehistoric animals such as dinosaurs? Because Equestria has strange and terrible creatures like Cockatrices, Timberwolves, Manticores, Tuzzlewurms, and Ursas. Should Equestria be less dangerous if they have dinosaurs? (Sapient (high intelligence like humans) creatures like Ponies and Griffins don’t count as being mythical) Think about it, in Hollywood, dinosaurs like T-Rex are like monsters that are trying to kill you when they see, but in real life, they’re just animals and sometimes they can be territorial, guarding their offspring, protecting their meals, exc.

For example, predators only hunt if they’re hungry, and they can never try to attack you while eating its meal unless if you bother them; sometimes, plant eaters can be defensive like Triceratops while others are gentle like hadrosaurs or sauropods (unless if you’re a predator).

Pterosaurs (which they’re not dinosaurs) in Hollywood are like giant eagles which they inaccurately take flight using their hind legs, dive through the water like some sea birds, and picking up their prey (even if they’re heavy) with their hind legs; but in real life, that’s not going to happen because pterosaurs can lunge forward with its frontal limbs before flight, they don’t have to dive through the water because that would ruin their Pycnofibers that support their flight, some pterosaurs feast on fish, small pterosaurs eat insects and berries while others are scavengers or they eat smaller animals.

Marine reptiles like Mosasaurus are not dinosaurs, and they’re not related to them; they can be dangerous if you’re in the water, but you’ll be safe on land even closer to the coastline (except for large crocodilians).

But unlike these animals, the creatures in Equestria are more hostile and deadly even they can take down a fully grown Tyrannosaurus Rex or a massive sauropod called Argentinosaurus, and if these creatures exist, the food chain will be destroyed triggering a mass extinction event that would wipe out everything that moves.

If you can see the video below this sentence you’ll see how dangerous mythological creatures are (WARNING: contains graphic images).

If you still believe about the lies about dinosaurs, Click on the video below this sentence.

So what do you think? Should Equestria need prehistoric animals like dinosaurs that are as accurate as modern day animals? Or not? It’s your choice.

6320296 I settled on a mix for my own headcanon.

Cockatrices themselves are actually related to dinosaurs like Yi qi.

that said, animals are animals, not monsters

But what’s more dangerous is that Cockatrices turn every living thing into stone while looking straight in the eyes. And you’re right, cockatrices are mistaken to Yi qi except they don’t turn an animal into stone. And I know animals are animals, not monsters.


There'd have to be some kind of improved common defense to prevent a few elephant sized carnivores from smashing a house in Ponyville's outskirts.

6320309 Yep

of course things like Yi and Tyrannosaurus are extinct, leaving only modern members of the family such as the Cockatrice and the Bone-Eater

You know Cockatrices don’t exist (except for a Yi which are already extinct), and chickens are modern relatives of Tyrannosaurs. P.S. What’s a Bone-Eater?

Well they can’t burst through walls since they’re strong enough for larger animals (except for Titanosaurs).


Good to see another person who knows their prehistoric creatures! And I think the dinosaurs would be cooler to see in MLP, the way the mythical creatures are portrayed in MLP make them far less dangerous than what they are supposed to be. They would probably do the same with dinosaurs if they used them instead...but I would still have preferred the prehistoric creatures. (What can I say, I’m a dinosaur person.)

6320329 I'm speaking about the way my Headcanon works

A Bone Eater is basically a Tyrannosaurus with more bite strength

Are you a paleontologist like me? Just asking.

6320582 No, no i am not. I attempt to keep up with paleontology-related news, but i'm only an enthusiast. I know all about accurate dinosaurs, but i don't get angry at seeing things like scaly tyrannosaurs

have you ever heard of a book called "All Yesterdays"?

If fantasy tabletop RPGS like Dungeons & Dragons or Pathfinder can have dinosaurs in them, I don't see why Equestria can't.

Eh! I like it when T-Rex has feathers.

I know some of you don’t, but it’s okay.

I personally dislike feathered T-rex because it's not scientifically accurate. There haven't been any T-rex fossils found with feathers. Skin imprints, definitely, but not feathers.

6320623 I like feathered T. rex too.

plus it makes more sense than scaly rex.

I'm just saying i'm not one of those people who gets upset over inaccurate dinosaurs

6320612 There was an RPG called Broncosaurus Rex

Dinosaurs + the American Civil War + Space

I’m not of of these people too.

Well they found feathers from other Tyrannosaurs like the Yutyrannus.

6320642 Just curious, what's the latest news on the placement of *Megaraptor* and its immediate relatives?

last i heard, they were lumped with the Tyrannosaurs


An actual one, no. But I do keep up with all the latest information and research.

If the mythical creatures really were unstoppable murder machines, killing everything in their path, I think Equestria would be very different.
More likely, I think a T-Rex and a Hydra would be about the same as far as the ponies are concerned. Actually the longer legs might give the T-Rex the advantage. And since this world seems to support much larger land animals, It's reasonable to assume that Dinosaurs could also grow much larger.

Doesn't mean T. rex had feathers.
Unless a T. rex with feathers is found, I'm going to stick with what evidence there currently is and say it had scales.

Dinosaurs are just animals, not monsters. But Hydras are more hostile than Tyrannosauruses. And also, not all dinosaurs are huge if you count as Compsognathus.

Are you sure Hydras are monsters and not just another type of large animal in that world? How are you sure they are more hostile?
I'm well aware that dinosaurs come in many shapes and sizes, but the big ones are often the closest to being considered monsters.
When you get into the smaller stuff, other then one being part of our mythology and the other being part of our history, what's the difference between a Wolpertinger and a Microraptor? Or a Waheela and an Ornitholestes? They're all just animals aren't they?
Unless you think that being part of our mythology makes something a monster. In which case I'd like to know how equetrian biologists classify things as animal or monster without our knowledge base.

Annnd do you believe that a Cockatrice needs a natural predator? Because my theory is that they can turn an animal into stone if they have sharp vision, but animals that are blind or have poor eyesight are immune to that. If a Cockatrice doesn’t have one, it will destroy the food chain unless it needs a natural enemy that has poor eyesight, but have excellent hearing and smell. For example, a mosquito is the most deadly animals on the planet when it carries diseases, but its natural enemies are dragonflies; a box jellyfish is the most venomous animal on Earth, but its natural enemies are sea turtles; and a golden poison dart frog is the most poisonous animal on Earth, but its natural enemies is one species of snake that is immune to the deadly toxin. What do you think?

It a Hydra is hostile or can double heads after being cut off like no real animal on Earth can do that, that means it’s a monster. If it’s just a predator, and they won’t double heads, that means it’s an animal. Every dangerous magical creatures are monsters.


Annnd do you believe that a Cockatrice needs a natural predator?


What do you think?

That you are starting to agree that mythical creatures aren't necessarily more dangerous then normal creatures.

Eagles in MLP can land on clouds (magical) and are dangerous to smaller animals. Are eagles in MLP monsters?
You originally mentioned Manticores, Tatzlwurms, and Ursas. off hand I don't recall seeing any of them using magical abilities. Are they animals?

Actually, Cockatrices only turn animals into stone if they have sharp eyesight; even they can turn an eagle into stone, but animals with poor vision are immune to that. So what predator has poor eyesight?

And the second sentence, I’m guessing Timberwolves, Manticores, Tatzlsurms, and Ursas are top predators so maybe.

I'm not concerned with eye sight. Look up your mythology, weasels are immune to and in turn the enemy of basilisks, including Cockatrices.
If you want to ignore the mythology, which includes a deadly breath, and go with the MLP style. It doesn't instantly petrify it's target (CMC). So any ambush predator or bird of prey, that caught one unaware, would make a meal out of it.
I wounder if cragadiles are immune.

And I still want to know if you think eagles are monsters and manticores are normal animals in MLP.

I’m guessing cragadiles are related to the crocodilians that have good eyesight so they’re not so lucky because the armor on the cragadile is made of solid bone like an Ankylosaurus not plain rocks because all animals are carbon based lifeforms, and they don’t have rocks as body parts; unless you can see that sauropods swallow stones called Gastroliths to grind the food in their stomach (even some ponies in Equestria feast on rocks the same was as sauropods do just to make their stomachs stronger to digest).

Weasels are nocturnal predators that feast on small animals including birds, but they have good vision. But they’re several predators with bad eyesight such as spiders, bats (they’re not blind) and army ants. Maybe the Goliath Bird Eating Spider can make a good meal for a Cockatrice since they have poor vision. Or maybe flying foxes can use echolocation to swoop down a Cockatrice. Or maybe a swarm of army ants will overpower the cockatrice, and then consume it without getting turned to stone. And the question is, how do weasels have an immunity to the Cockatrice’s deadly eyes? Are nocturnal animals immune to that? ... Oh you’re right. I’m such an idiot that I don’t study mythology.

hmm... Timber wolves seem to be the only golem type creatures in MLP. And still carbon based. The cragadile was just an idle thought anyway.

So are you saying that mythological creatures wouldn't last long against normal creatures that would hunt them down?

Also flying foxes aren't predators ...and apparently don't have echolocation. They use a good sense of smell and eyesight.

Nothing I read about cockatrices makes much sense. But the articles I read all say weasels are immune to the deadly sight and breath.

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