When the leaves turn golden and crisp, fried by the Summer Sun to a tender perfection, Twilight Sparkle discovers something even MORE alarming than whatever was up with the pegasi in the previous fic.
What happens when a visitor from the north of Equestria comes for a visit. A event that will change the Kingdom forever. Secrets get exposed, dimensions get crossed And the sun may never rise again. Find out in this adventure story.
Applejack finds out there may be another branch of her family in Whinnieapolis on the other side of Equestria, so she sets off on the longest journey of her life to find out.
Flash Sentry is about to face the biggest challenge of his life: Meeting his girlfriend, Applejack's big whole family for Thanksgiving gathering and to learn how they came to be a couple.
Strawberry Sunrise is getting under Applejack's skin when she critizes apples. Applejack and Strawberry Sunrise then competes against each other on "Master Chef".
A story filled with adventure, tragedy, and most importantly, love. Grand Pear struggles to forget the life he left behind, while Buttercup and Bright Mac make a decision that forever changes the Apple family...
After a shocking revelation, Rarity agrees to meet her friend Twilight at one of on Ponyville's cafes. Only to question the value of what she truly holds dear.
Trouble is brewing in Space Equestria as the bad guys are causing trouble all over the place. Luckily, Fluttershy and the Resisties are gonna fix everything. Maybe...
Rarity is foalsitting and has decided to tell the little ones in her care about the very first Hearth's Warming Eve their parents ever shared. It was almost their last.
A new affliction has struck Ponyville and spread all over Equestria... one that doesn't harm any ponies but instead causes them to dance and wiggle a certain body part; their rumps.