"The Book Club" 2 members · 0 stories

Greetings, fellow Bronies! I made this group as a way for everyone to review fanfics found on the site, advertise a fanfic from other sites, discuss fanficitions, and other stuff book clubs do, minus the tea. You will need to get your own. Anyways, here are the rules for The Book Clun
1.) You do not talk about "The Book Club"
2.) You DO NOT talk about "The Book Club"
Now that's out of the way,
The Real Rules.
1.) Do not blindly criticize other works. This group was made to either praise or constructively criticize other fanficitions, not to bash a fanficition for no reason other than trolling. If you feel like you need to do it, at least have enough respect to not be the worst you can be.
2.) Threads that have nothing to do with fanficition will be deleted. If you want to talk about something that isn't fanficition, make a group about it or go to other groups.
3.) If you want to advertise your own fanficition, do so in a folder I labeled "Stories." Anyone who posts an ad that isn't in the Stories folder will have their post deleted. I already see enough ads popping up in my face more than I see Prairie Dogs popping out of their holes.
4.) Feel free to discuss your ideas with civility. Keyword is civility.
Welcome to the club!

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