Youtube Fanfiction 211 members · 64 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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so i was thinking, who would youtubers be with in equestria, this was what i thought
twilight sparkle x pewdiepie
pinkie pie x amazingphil
applejack x ian hecox/smosh
rainbow dash x jacksepticeye
rarity x markiplier
fluttershy x danisnotonfire
spike x ltcorbis :twilightsheepish:
sweetie belle x jacob cringetoris
flash sentry x memestar (everyone hates them both)
pinkamena x leafyishere
princess luna x luna
trixie x take 3 pyrocynical a day
anypony else?


flash sentry x memestar (everyone hates them both)

what's your beef with flash? :rainbowhuh:

personally I like the guy

not my beef, i personally dont care about him, but the fandom hates him, so i paired him with someone who can relate to the hate

I dont think twi aj and rd would like their partners... Others I dont know...

who would you choose?
also for AJ I had no idea who to choose

I think twi can go with Vsause
aj can go with ( I have no idea too )
pinkie can go with colinfurze
fluttershy can go with animal logic

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