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Everyone likes villains and everyone thinks they know the G1 show villains, yet everyone is wrong about that. Because people only talk about three of the G1 show villains, Tirek, Smooze, and Grogar but there are many more. Some of which have also been rebooted but most fans not that, like Garble and his dragon gang for example. So I'm going to list every single show villain that has not been rebooted, and yes this includes the villains' evil side kicks. Or at least the ones that can count as villains as there were some sidekicks that were victims themselves and so won't list them.

Catrina: One of the better known villains, Catrina was a anthro cat who got addict to a magical drug called witch weed potion that give her great power. She with help from her shapeshifting Lzardman boyfriend Rex (Who I just realize sounds like a mo'o) enslaved the bushwoolies to make her more of the potion later try to enslaved the ponies as well. Rex joined with the ponies after he felt she when to far and they talk her into stop taking the potion.

Witch Clan; Hydia, Reeka, Draggle, and Ahgg Hydia lived in a volcano with her daughters Reeka and Draggle and were evil for no other reason then they were evil for the shake of it. Like the rest of the clan who we learn the names of and their evils deeds in song but sense they didn't do anything in the movie and series arch they were in other then telling Hydia what to do (no speaking lines for them) I'm not going to list their names. Their was also Ahgg their pet giant one eye spider monster. They are best known for making the Smooze and later talking a race of bee people into going to war with the flutter ponies over their sun stone. After the sun stone thing the flutter ponies blew them away and they were never seen again.

Niblick The Troll: Some ponies found some wish making gold coins that belong to him. A baby pony by mistake wish it to never rain in Ponyland again, you can see the problem with that. The ponies learn that only Niblick could undo the wishing but he refuse unless the ponies and their friends could find him something that he wanted, he didn't care that lives were in danger. They tried but failure three times to find him something he would like, it was then that human Megan realize he must be lonely and used the last coin to wish for a troll to come a live with him. He was overjoyed by this and undid the rain wish just in time to save the ponies lives.

Gizmonks; Gonk And Glouda: Two mad scientist monkey twins who decided to steal the rainbow of light so they could study it to make new things, they also caught a pony name Surprise and Megan brother. The two realse creatures that the gizmonks have been experimenting on and the creatures chase the gizmonks away.

The Beast: A goofy looking dragon from the land of fairy tales, okay so some ponies open a door to the land of stories and the characters from the stories got out into Ponyland. They were trying to get away from the beast who after we finally met him we learn he was only a villain because it was his job to be a villain so the heroes of the stories could have someone to beat, and he only wanted to do his job. The ponies learning this was able to talk the characters into going home with him.

Bray The Donkey Jester: This was Groger's sidekick and jester, he help Groger was later send away to the land of darkness with him.

Arabus: A smoke monster who was also said to be wizard but we never saw him cast spells. He and his anthro zebra sidekick force a pony stallion to collect shadows, because for every shadow Arabus ate the bigger stronger he got. The thing was the more active he was the faster he burn though the power increase, the ponies realize this and called the fast flutter ponies who beat the shadows out of him which return to their owns. He and sidekick were locked up for this.

Zed: This was Arabus' side kick and he was sleazy creep

Queen Porcina: An anthro pig that was so full of herself she wanted to turn everything into glass so she could look at herself more. However she needed pony fur to fix her magic cape to do this, so she send out her side kicks who were more evil then her and were using her for their own goal. She turn everything and everyone in Ponyland into glass but when she was told by her sidekicks to turn some ponies in front of her into glass she realize she couldn't bring herself to do it in person. So the sidekicks turn on her and the cape got destroy which undid the spell. She later when to live with the bushwoolies.

Raptorians: These three big goofy looking dog headed vultures were Porcin's sidekicks but they were just using her to get everyone in Ponyland to be turn into glass. Why? Because it would be easier to murder people that way, and that all they wanted to do. When the cape was destroy they were turn into glass forever.

Crunch The Rockdog: A giant dog made of stone who had the power to petrify anything he touch and to make rocks into creature under his control. He was made by a living mountain to act as a guard but didn't have emotions or at least not all of them. This cause him to go on a rampage until the ponies were able to stop him and give him emotions.

King Charlatan The Ruler Of Penguins: An anthro penguin who use a machine to increase the power of his freezing eye lasers to create a new ice age. He did this because he believe anything that couldn't survive this like penguins could didn't have the right to live. However his son didn't believe the same thing so when the ponies came to stop his father he join them. By mistake the king froze his son which shock his guards so much they stop fighting the ponies. The ponies shown him what his hated of all non-penguins cost him so he undid his freezing power and destroy the machine, and yes this did save his son.

Duchess Suzzete And Her Daughter Margette This is a very confusing for one for a few reasons, the first being I'm not sure if they were gnomes or elves. The second being Suzzete wasn't really a duchess, she was a dishwasher who somehow talk the royal guards into overthrowing their prince. Some time after this she ask some ponies over for a dinner party so she could steal four new born foals and give them to her young daughter as pets. When the ponies learn of this they help free the prince to find the foals, who after finding them the guards they were fighting saw how cruel Margette was to the foals and agree to join with the prince again. The prince made Suzzete and Margette into dishwashing slaves, and I still wonder how she talk the guards into overthrowing the prince in the first place.

King Lavan The Lava Demon Ruler: This cruel king rule over his people with a iron fist, and when he learn that he could use the princess ponies magical wands to make himself into a powerful crystal being he stole them, as well as the princesses. This cause the crystal desert to go out of control and started growing, turning everything into crystal. The ponies join with the ice orcs where the enemies of the lava demons, as well as some lava demons after Spike made peace between to the two groups. took the depower wands back and travel to the underground source of their power to recharge them. They push King Lavan on the source and he blew up to everyone joy, and lava demons were most joyful of them all!

Squirk The Octopus Monster: This ganger giant octopus rule an underwater kingdom until the continents move and found himself stuck in swamp, and didn't happen fast he didn't notice because he lives that long. He was able to rule that long because of his magic amulet the fleshstone which could change anything. A shapeshifting bird broke it and hid the pieces, years later he force the granddaughter of the bird who did it to get him the pieces by catching her grandfather, the one who did. Of course one of the pieces were under the ponies home, who of course team up to stop him. He did get the fleshstoen back but lost it when he and his sidekick was trap underground forever.

Crank The Lobster: Squirk's sidekick who really wasn't shown to have a personality.

Salamander and Undine: Two gnomes who were cursed by a wizard to guard the flying castle he lock his forever sleeping daughter in. They were turn into monsters with powers you would think they would have base on their names, and it wans't clear why the wizard did this other then he didn't like his daughter taste in men. Pegasi mares team up with a gnome with earth powers to free the daughter, because despite never meeting her he thought she was the one. By waking her up the curse was undone, and the wizard's daughter decided to give the earth gnome a chance.

The Goblin Family: A family for five big goblins, mother, father, and three sons, they had a magcial golden horse shoe that give them the power to read minds, but cause the sons to fight all the time. The ponies need this shoe as well as three others to save the life of another pony and they took it, and sense it cause the sons to stop fighting the parents decided not to go after them.

The Flore: Five flower creatures who after escaping the crab nasties tick the ponies into thinking the crabs were the bad guys. Which wasn't hard with how the crabs acted, but after being planted they stuck the life out of the plants around them and turn into giants. The ponies realize their mistake and got the crab nasties to help them, the flores were lock up again.

Beezen The Sorcerer: This green man sold the ponies magic paint that could fix anything it was use but brought it to life. This brought everything in the ponies home to come alive, which then chase the ponies out. Which was what Beezen wanted as he move into their home and use his magic to force the objects into obeying him. The objects realize they were better off with the ponies, help them kick Beezen but he was able to undo the magic first. Then the ponies threw the paint on Beezen's wand which came alive and chase after him.

Queen Bumble the ruler of Bumbleland: A bee person who ruler over a frozen land after the flutter ponies chase them out of flutter valley. The witch clan talk her into stealing the sunstone to melt her land and grow plants. This didn't go to well as the sunstones started to set fires, and flutter ponies were able to get back. However the flutter ponies got her to agree to peace by telling her she and her bees could come to flutter valley for all the flowers they wanted. Sense trying to control the sunstone didn't work and she only wanted the flowers she agree to the deal.

Well that all the villains from the show, let me know what you think of them.

I wish MLP FIM was going on for more seasons so they could be rebooted.

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