Remnants of Exploration 80 members · 0 stories
Comments ( 8 )
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I really reaaaallly like the Interactive Rainbow Dash you can get from the settings page, cute as hell

what do you guys think is the best?

It's not bad, until she changes to Snoop Dog dancing and telling me to smoke weed every day.

I like that you have both the new stories and the recent updates visible on the home page.

That or the ability to create custome banners for groups, though it would be nice if anyone with admin rank could change that, not just the original creator.

Group Contributor

I like the ability to customize the toolbar/background colors. It's nice.

607772 Which is technically me, but I'm not an admin.

Group Contributor

The customization. I like the newer look the frontpage has, too, but for a nerd like me, I love being able to set all my stories to "Calibri, Dark, Very Small, 1.3".

Snoop Lion > Rainbow Dash

But, I do want to come inside, Rainbow Dash.

Group Admin

Best addition to the site? Better group features for better group management.


ew i liek the feachur that elts u x out o wait thats not fimfiction thats ie lololololol

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