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Group Admin

Aragón (note the accent) is our guest tonight. Amongst other things we'll be discussing FanOfMostEverything's Imposing Sovereigns competition.

Well, I say discussion...

Stream starts are 8pm EST.

May God have mercy on our souls...

Prewar-streaming Question: How do I, myself, become a fan of most everything? I've tried it -- fairly often, but not every fandom has porn as good as the brony fandom. Can you recommend a fandom that really puts the lotion on the skin?

P.S. Make sure the porn is as bushy as Plum's beard so that the lips speak properly.

5897053 Also, ignoring the unfunny comment above^, I have an actual question: Is FanOfMostEverything's Imposing Sovereigns competition still going on? I haven't got the chance to enter and the most recent blog on his profile that has to do with the competition was posted on April Fools Day -- which I haven't read yet.

Group Admin

5897121 It finished a couple weeks ago, sorry.

5897123 :'( <-- this sad emoji express the pain i feel

Nothing's stopping you from writing one anyways

Oh, that was this weekend. Well, I suppose I have something to listen to when I get back from my sister's place.

As others have noted, you're certainly welcome to use the IS prompts to write something. You can even add it to the group in the "Second-Born" folder.

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