Its been hectic, but Spike has finally settled in as Equestria's inter-species ambassador. His latest (and trickiest) meeting is with an eccentric equine hailing from Discord's dimension. She seems to want help with a personal problem.
Discord welcomes home their daughter from college. However, she isn't quite as they remember. Meanwhile, a recently-summoned alicorn with memory issues stirs up ancient grudges.
Twilight is still fresh from her coronation as sole Princess of Harmony. The junior Anarch of Chaos is even more clueless than she is. Together, they wrangle the responsibilities of their predecessors.
Screwball hopes that once her mommy and daddy dance at the Gala. They will finally learn that they love each other. And Screwball can have both of her parents be together.
Hiya! I'm Screwball. I just started existing, and I'm sorta new at stuff, so be nice! Oh, and also I can do magic, but everyone says I'm not supposed to. Wait... who am I talking to? And what's this "fourth wall" thing that just popped into my brain?
After defeating Discord and turning him back to stone, Equestria is now free from his never ending chaos. Fluttershy have felt bad for the Lord of Chaos, soon the shy pegasus find a filly looking for her daddy.
Screwball tries to find her missing dad, Discord, only to find two children, one of Sombra and the other of Tirek. Will they eventually discover the shocking truth of their births?
Filthy Rich once made a trade to have a perfect life. On Diamond Tiara's eleventh birthday, he is shown a flashback of the trade, and must tell Diamond Tiara the truth. Life gets harder when he has to bring Diamond Tiara, turning into Screwball,
Yeah, this is pretty weird. Well, something has happened to the ponies of Ponyville which seems to make them fascinated by really strange things like how they can breathe or probably tissues so I'm gonna see what I can do. This is Lyra, by the w