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I'm not really sure if it's mentioned in the Bible or not, but is there a general consensus on the prospect of human augmentation among Christianity or religion in general?
Now I know that we're already pretty much living in the age of widespread augmentation (examples being pacemakers, contact lenses, titanium bones/braces/screws for medical use, full fledged prosthetic limbs) but what about something like voluntary augmentation?


voluntary augmentation

Like the synthetic things that make images bigger for us when we look at them?

If you're including stuff like contact lenses as augmentation it seems fair to count just about anything that can be used to enhance human abilities beyond the limits of their natural range.

If you're referring to organ or full body prosthetics, there's nothing that I'm aware of in the Bible specifically addressing that, which for most Christians is probably going to be the first word on any tangentially related subject. How could it really? To think that a human could replace their heart, eyes, or internal bits with something made of metal and have it work would have been inconceivable during time the Bible was being transcribed. I don't think there's a problem with augmentation and being a Christian; the idea of the 'heavenly body' provided at resurrection is the core element of Transcendence, surpassing the fallible, mortal coil we know to be something more.

If there is a Christian case against the idea of Transcendence, or the Singularity as it is also known, it is not in the nature of the subject, but the execution. Freedom from mortality and pain are the ideas meant to draw most to heaven, which we are all meant to share in Christ. While something similar can be attempted here on Earth, should it be? If it only favors the rich, the elite, leaving many behind to rot while the few rise above to become dictators that do not die, then that's not a paradise at all, but a deeper hell. If all humans could equally Transcend, then I see no issue with the idea personally.

The only issue I'd have, personally, is if they used in a prideful manner i.e. to make themselves better than others or if they try to convince others that it's the only path.


inconceivable during time the Bible was being transcribed

Are you saying that God had no hand in writing the Bible?

Not at all. What I mean is that the message given to the prophets and apostles was tailored to the specific people so that they could understand it, and they attempted to convey it to their audiences accordingly. The Bible was written first for 5th century BC Jews for the Old Testament, and 1st century AD Christians for the New Testament. It was not initially intended for all citizens of the world in the 21st century, but we can still learn a great deal from it's message despite not being the original audience.

6028220 So the Bible isn't timeless as many Christians claim?

Questions about the ethics of human augmentation, ranging from piercings and plastic surgery to genetically modified 'designer babies', are very interesting and increasingly relevant to discuss.

My question is: why should we consider Bronze Age mythology when having this conversation?

By 'timeless' I expect you mean 'inspired and inerrant,' which is what several Christians would say. I believe the Bible offers up poetic truth or truth via parable, not objective, enlightenment-era inspired historical truth. To seek the latter from it is why so many have a hard time reconciling the Creation account or the Jonah account with the world around us. The Old and New Testament were written for a specific audience in a specific time, but we can still learn much from ancient humanity in this compendium.

6028732 I fear that people are learning more than what you believe the Bible has to offer. They learn to how to discriminate against gays and how to drive transsexuals to suicide.

What you're saying could also be said for My Kampf. People could still learn much from it. Then again, perhaps they're better off not reading it.

If people are actually reading the Bible, they'd see there are only two sections, one for each Testament, relating to homosexuality as the topic of sin. There are many more where it's explicitly stated that all sins are equally impure in God's eyes, with homosexuality being no worse than lying, cheating, or anything else one could think of.

I have my own speculation on the origin of how homosexuality came to be known as sinful, but my opinion is first Christians should follow the example of Jesus, unafraid of being with and accepting those who the religious establishment called 'different' or 'unclean'. Second, following the precedent set by Paul, if one deems something to be sinful, avoid practicing it. If someone believes something is a sin, and you don't, don't flaunt your position or disrespect your fellows, and respect their moral decision while being in community with him.

Nothing excuses the crimes that have taken place. No one should feel forced to kill themselves because they feel it's the only way out. Nothing justifies it.

6028764 Sure, if people read the Bible in just the right way, instead of the way they're actually reading it, then maybe the world would be a better place. However, such is not the case in reality. The Bible was used to justify countless atrocities. Perhaps, people would be better off not reading the Bible than bet on the small chance that they'll be able to interpret it in just the right way.

6028770 Can you point out a particular point where the Bible states that we are judge, jury, and executioner?

You could equally say the same about any text with philosophical undertones. Karl Marx's works, Nietzsche's texts, they've been misunderstood too, and used to marshal ideas that were the cause of many deaths. People who actually care about the nature of a text will seek out the required background knowledge. If people read texts however they wish, it is because they are looking for justification for what they already believe, unwilling to be changed by what they read, which is the wrong way to approach learning, religious or no.

I was in the latter category of people just a few years ago, but some people helped me to change my mind on a lot of things. If it happened to me, I'm confident others can to, if they're willing to listen and have their minds changed.

6028792 If the Bible is the source of morality, then you already have the judge and jury. The position of the executioner is then left for the people who read it.

And if you look at the state of things in the world, this is exactly what you see. Christians are discriminating and acting upon their beliefs.

6028801 According to your own view, the majority of people are reading the Bible wrong. If they couldn't get their act together in 2000 years, what are the chances that they will in this century? Hoping for the best is a sure way to fail tremendously.

6028805 Judge not lest ye be judged, right? It means we as creations of God cannot judge other creations in good conscious.

"Why even solely have God to make the final judgment if we can do that ourselves guys? It's almost like we have the same abilities as God! Maybe we are God!?" No. That doesn't quite sound right.

6028819 The Bible is full of regulations on how you should judge other people. Like in which instance you should cut your wife's hand, how you should have your kids stoned to death, how to beat your slaves, etc, etc, ... The Bible is the Judge and jury.

6028834 Do you think those things would be in the old testament if they weren't already around as law in that current time?

6028884 I don't think there was a law to cut your wife's hand. And even if it was, the Bible should condemn such a law, not condone it.

Hoping isn't enough, I agree. That's why I reach out to others, just like I am with you. It's also why I'm probably outside anyone's convenient labels of 'Christian' or 'Independent thinker'. I'm here just trying to do good by the world, at the expense of no one.

If you were interested in knowing, no one in the community under Levitical law could just stone their kids or beat their slaves. The practice of the law was similar to today in a way; need of witnesses, a jury of elders, that sort of thing. There had to be evidence for a sentence to be carried out. Stop by a synagogue; they'd be willing I'd wager to talk about Hebrew law if you have the time!

6028896 Okay, what do you think is the reason behind doing that? There is a reason for everything put into it, so what was the reason?

6028899 Jury of elders you say?

When a man strikes his male or female slave with a rod so hard that the slave dies under his hand, he shall be punished.  If, however, the slave survives for a day or two, he is not to be punished, since the slave is his own property. (Exodus 21:20-21 NAB)

6028905 Well, there was a reason for Hitler to kill millions of Jews. He didn't just do that randomly. There was a reason for 9/11. There was a reason for every big atrocity in human history. There was a reason for Satan to defy God.

Making up an excuse of the top of your head doesn't make the immoralities go away.

Judge: "Did you kill all those people?"
Mass murderer: "Sure, I killed all 100 of them. But I was hungry and the flesh was right there, so I killed them and ate them."
Judge: "Oh, okay. I see you had a reason to kill all those people. You're free to go."

6029263 I would continue, but this is a thread on human augmentation, so it'd be rude to continue.

6031159 Yes you're right. Let's not spam this thread. I'll create a new one where you can enlighten us with your reasons.

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