League of Legends Players 416 members · 87 stories
Comments ( 97 )
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Group Admin

If you know me, I'm a pretty lazy guy, which explains why it took me over 42 weeks to make this thread. But, I suppose, with people actually joining this group, I should take the time to make a few proper group threads. Let's start off with the introductions. Here's an example of what you want:

Name: Protocol
Age: 17
Nationality: Korean-Canadian
League IGN: You Aint Kawaii (NA)
Role(s): ADC, Support, and a little bit of everything else
Level/Ranked: Level 30, Plat V
Fics I've written: This, this, and this for now
Fics I'd recommend: This one's probably my favourite one on the site.
Notes: I also watch tons of anime and Dr Who. Nami's laugh animation is the best. That is all.

Name: Ice Cube
Age: 19
Nationality: Chinese-Canadian-Singaporean
League IGN: yoitzhiok (NA server), NA yoitzhiok (SEA server)
Role(s): ADC, Support, Occasional Jungle (NA server), ADC, Unconventional mids (Ranked AP WW) + Ahri
Level/Ranked: Level 30, Unranked for now
Fics I've written: 4 in total. 1 on hiatus, 2 Octascratches (one's a sequel to the other) and 1 RD
Fics I'd recommend: MLD, The Secret Life of Rarity and its sequels, my Octascratches :3
Notes: Huge fan of Pikachus. Pika pi?

Name: KRissCHu573

Age: 16

Nationality: Bulgarian

League IGN: Christian Fright(EUNE) ; FrostEarthFire (EUW)

Role(s): Jungle, Top, Mid, Support, and pretty sucky with ADC. For the good of the game give me any other position.

Level/Ranked: EUNE - lvl 30, silver V ; EUW - lvl 27 (yeah I don't play that acc very much)

Fics I've written: This, it's sequal, and one other which turned out to a fail.

Fics I'd recommend: The second exile and it's sequal, Villainy, Dragonborn, Hell Ain't A Bad Place To Be, My Little Megas XLR!!!!! (<<<YOU JUST HAVE TO SEE DAT SHIET!), The Many Secret Origins of Scootaloo (If you require some random crack), Green goes with everything(The Mask in Equestria, need I say more?), The Golden Armor!!!!!! (<<<YOU JUST HAVE TO SEE DAT SHIET!) and it's sequal, Among the Ruins, Their Story, Deadpool Vs. Equestria and Deadpool Vs. Bronies (If you require some random crack, and Deadpool, need I say more?), The Other Mane Six: Adventures in Ponyville, Turning Point, Rebirth of the Damned, Possibilities: Angels of Equestria!!!!!(<<<YOU JUST HAVE TO SEE DAT SHIET!), Of Myrs, Fire And Mind, The Crystal Vanguard, Strokes of Fate!!!!!(<<<YOU JUST HAVE TO SEE DAT SHIET!), The Legend of the Arachnapony (plain old good reading!), My Little GLaDOS (HERMAGERTH LIFE IS NOT WORTH IT WITHOUT READING THIS!) and lastly The Koprulu Sector and the little side story connected to it - She comes when the rain falls.

Notes: Your typical anime, Doctor Who, Game of Thrones(actually read the books), Supernatural, blood, gore and good clop worthy stuff from all arond the internet loving psychopath. Or just hyperactive sociopath, still confused on that matter.

Comment posted by cros9 deleted Jun 27th, 2013

name: destruction666 was my profile got hacked working to get it back
age: 16
nationality Irish, Ireland
roles: support (best) jungle (second best) top and mid (NEVER PUT ME ADC NEVER!)
level ranked: 30 bronze division 5 (fuqing elohell)
fics written: none (working on one though)
fics recommend: league of discord
main champs: leona, taric, skarner, naut
fav. champ: Nautilus
notes like league our internet is shit for now our laptops are horrible getting gaming PC soon also if i can't get my account back i''m going to make a new one

p.s i love nightcore music and anime.

Group Admin


Name: Alphadud
Age: 17
League IGN: (EUW)Alphadud
Roles: Top, (only if I'm drunk) Jungler, (somewhat good) Support, #MidLane4Lyfe... I do play ADC but usually don't like it, feels too easy most of the time.
Level: 30, Ranked Silver 3 (The climbs are going fast.)
Fics I've written: Too lazy to put up links.
Fics I'd recommend: Again, too lazy. (buy some wards plz.)
Notes: I don't often play... But when I do, I play Zed and fail at juking. (Okay that's a lie, I play often. c:)
Nationality: Asian-Swedish.

Name: Trickymander
Age: 20
Nationality: Singaporian
League IGN: Redrick(SEA serves)
Role(s): Jungler/support
Level/Ranked: Level 30 unranked
Fics I've written: None
Fics I'd recommend:None

Figured I should post my official introduction here...

Name: Hammerdog
Age: 16
Nationality: 'Murican
League IGN: Hammerdog (NA)
Role(s): Jungler, Support, Top Lane, and I can Mid.
Level/Ranked: Level 30, still haven't mustered the energy to do any more provisional games.
Fics I've written: Currently writing Hecarim's Peril.
Fics I'd recommend: Pfft, who reads on a fanfiction site?
Notes: I'm the rare teammate who doesn't blame the support OR jungle when I die after taking twenty turret shots in enemy base. Mid probably could have warded though...

Name: Karneth
Age: 15
Nationality: American
League IGN: Amfros (NA)
Roles: Anywhere
Level/Ranked: Level 30 Ranked Silver 5
Fics I've written: In the process of writing one, called Blank Slate, Havent posted it yet, Ill update when it is up
Fics i'd recommend: Xenophilia*, The Spell to Happiness
Notes: One of those rare people who doesn't blame the support for everything, or pick order's in ranked, and i don't blame lag for my screw ups.

*note, there are explicit sex scenes for those of you that don't like that kind of thing.

Comment posted by Cool_Story_Reader deleted Feb 5th, 2015

Name: Tyrant Molestia
Age: 21
Nationality: American
League IGN: TyrantMolestia (EU West and NA... Haven't really used the NA one though.:twilightsheepish:)
Role(s): Support Taric, Tank Malphite, Mid Morgana (Or bot)
Level/Ranked: Level 16/ No rank yet (Really good with Morgana on occasions. I even went 21/9/15.:rainbowkiss: Probably just luck though.)
Fics I've written: Why would you want to read my horrible stories? :unsuresweetie:
Fics I'd recommend: All of them! :derpytongue2:
Notes: I tend to make innuendos when I feel comfortable with the surrounding people. Also... I'm really just hoping for some good advice. Helps playing the game. :trollestia: (Send a PM if you add me)

Corrupt Gnashty
Group Admin

Oh I didn't even notice then when I joined :/. Its a bit late but might as well...
Summoner Name: Corrupt Gnashty
Age: 17
Nationality : I'm a bunch of things but I hold an American passport so you can go with that.
Roles: Any role but I only have one good supp. My best role would have to be ADC though.
Ranked/Level: LVL 30, Bronze 1 (don't you just love feeders!)
Fics. I've written: I haven't written any LOL related fics so...ya...
Fics. I recommend: Diaries of a Madman, if I had to name one.
Notes: Umm... I play a game of League at least once a day (usually) and I tend to do pretty good. My best score would have to be 49/2/17. I only rage within reason (if you could call it raging) and I'm always looking out for the best interests of the team.
Anyway, that about wraps it up. Send me a PM if your gonna add me so I know its you.

Ah well, may as well make an intro
Name: Alitaria
Age: 16
Nationality: New Zealand
League IGN [OCE]: Alitaria
Role(s): Support / Mid, put me as ADC and I will start my own African Relief Camp (In which all I do is Feed Feed Feed)
Level/Ranked: Level 30, Silver IV
Fics I've written: NOTHING
Fics I'd recommend: Background Pony and Broken Wings and Promises
Notes: I'm in OCE...OCE kinda sucks, I'm pretty chill ingame and am willing to be the lightning rod for the team but the ONE thing I will not tolerate, is telling me to ward more ESPECIALLY if you have not bought a single ward all game

Name: Raetekusu
Age: 20
Nationality: Caucasian
League IGN: Rytex (NA)
Role(s): All, about the same. If I had to pick a best and worst, it would be Top, then ADC.
Level/Ranked: Level 30, Bronze I (On the climb after I finally stopped playing like a total noob)
Fics I've written: Well, start here. The other's a sequel and the third's on hiatus.
Fics I'd recommend: Too many to list.
Notes: Whovian, Potterhead, etc. etc.

Name: Vincent (my real name :pinkiegasp: )
Age: 19
Nationality: American
League IGN: Firecloak (NA)
Role(s): Support main, will fill Mid or Top
Level/Ranked: Level 30, rank: TBD (My internet is unreliable (if i had to guess? I would be Bronze 2?))
Fics I've written: none
Fics I'd recommend: ALL THE FICS
Notes: So because i don't like throwing games (i.e. me disconnecting) I play a lot of bots. hopefully one day i can upgrade and play ranked.

Name: Chaotic Note (duh i'm not gonna post my real name)

Age: 18

Nationality: Vietnamese-American

League IGN: ChaoticNoteworth(NA)

Role(s): Preferable to MidLane, Jungle, or Top

Level/Ranked: Level 30

Fics I've written: Equestrian Earth, Luna Plays, etc.

Fics I'd recommend: I absolutely love The Sound of Thunder: Tempest

Notes: I also livestream games sometimes, and I'm in need of a new computer.

Comment posted by DragonLord778 deleted Feb 23rd, 2014

Name: DragonLord778, Alexander (real name :P).
Age: 14, soon will be 15 in June 24.
Nationality: Puerto Rico
League IGN:BrightKnight778 (NLA), and soon I'l change it to DragonLord778, also, just in case NLA means North Latin America.
Role(s): mostly top, sometimes ADC and jungle... and that's it.
Level/Rank: Level 30, Bronze division 3
Fics I've written: haven't written anything for now.
Fics I'd recommend: I don't know how to do the link, but, I'd recommend Fluttershy and me and... I forgot the others.
Notes: I watch a lot of anime, I invented Bloodmo, AD Teemo with life steal... tons of life steal, I also jungle with Teemo sometimes, also, my favorite champions are Teemo, Shyvana, Garen, Nasus, Rengar etc... and the characters that I'm in love are= Shyvana and Fluttershy

Name: ((short)) Jeff
Age: 17
Nationality: North America
League IGN: Kalreas
Role(s): Prefer top, can mid or bot. I play a diversity of champs.
Level/Rank: Level 30 - Hardly ever played ranked and never kept up with how it worked so idk.
Fics I've Written: Unexpected Ultimate Test
Fics I'd Recommend: Monster or Mother
Notes: Anime is kindofa past-time for me, as well as watching just random videos on Youtube. I watch Keyori, GamingLemon and a few others - not including PewDiePie - and I posted a few TF2 videos on my own Youtube channel: Disembodied Hand. When it comes to League, I don't play all that often 'cause I don't really have the time, but I like to go back to it every now and then. Favorite champions are Kayle, Morgana, Nidalee and Amumu; as well as a few others.

Roles:I do about everything
Level:30 S5
Fics written:Evolve and Overcome
Fics I recommend: Mordane Stronghoof
Notes: I have alot of different interests mostly dark or comedy things Favorite champs are Kayle,Garen,Jinx,Kog'Maw, Draven , Nocturne, and Vi

Name: Flames99Fuse
Age: 15
Nationality: American with a bit of Dutch
League IGN: Flames99Fuse
Role(s): ADC, Support
Level/Ranked: Level 23
Fics I've written: I really don't suggest reading this....
Fics I'd recommend: Hecarim in Equestria
Notes: I use Ashe as best ADC, Skarner as best support, and the occasional Teemo when needed. Also, mouse is broken, won't play league for a while....

Name: Warmen111

Age: 19

League IGN: (EUW) Cadance

Roles: Mid and AD, although I'm fine with most roles really :P

Level: 30, Plat V

Fics I've written: I you're really interested, click my username and find out, (Don't you love surprises?!) it's not that noteworthy anyways.

Fics I'd recommend: Too many to put here, but one of the first big fics I've read and still enjoy is this one.

Notes: Darius slayer for life.

Nationality: Dutch

Name: Bigthink
Age: 20
Nationality: American (US)
League IGN: Deathbydusk (NA)
Role(s): Support, Mid
Level/Ranked: Level 30, Rank: Approximately Wood 12 (unranked)
Fics I've written: none
Fics I'd recommend: none yet
Notes: Taric is the manliest champion and thus my favorite

Name: Canafron
Age: 20
Nationality: USA
League IGN: Same name on here
Roles: Primarily Mid, otherwise anything else but jungle
Level/Ranked: Lvl 30, Bronze II
Fics written: none
Fics recommend: none at the moment

Name: Abriel99

Age: 15

Nationality: USA

League IGN: Abriel99

Roles: Nasus. Give me Nasus or give me death! (Or tank or support)

Level/Ranked: Lvl 30, Bronze II

Fics I've Written: The Sky Was Naught But Dying Stars ... , and, The Pursuit of Knowledge

Fics I'd Reccomend: Echo the Diamond Dog Fics (Ballad and Legend)

P.S. I'd appreciate you guys taking a look at my stories, I feel fellow League players would appreciate them more. Thanks for this group! Btw Nasus forever O_O

Name; The Last Hemomancer
Nationality; American
League IGN; ZaneCobriana0657
Roles; Pref top and jungle,but is okay at everything
Level/Rank; Level 30, Bronze 5 (Don't rush to play ranked when you just reach level thirty)
Fics I've written: None, because my brain hates me when I start writing.
Fics I would recommend: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/18256/this-platinum-crown, and anything by this guy; http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Radiant+Dawn
Notes: GET DUUUUUNKED!:trollestia:
Oh,and are there ANY good vladimir fics, cause I haven't seen any.

Also: I swear, all my crap-talk is for motivation. If I'm lying, may Cthulhu strike-*lightning* GIVE IT YOUR BEST SHOT NEXT TIME!"

Name: Xhoral1865
Age: 17
Nationality: American
League IGN: Zorl1865
Role(s): Any role, but my jungle needs working on.
Level/Ranked: Level 30, Bronze 2. I usually don't do ranked unless duo or team.
Fics I've written: This, this, this, and this.
Fics I'd recommend: FoE, Tigerswirl448's stuff
Notes: I'm a really nice guy, but I can be pretty blunt when it comes to League. I also like doing Skype whenever I have a duo or whatever.

1093721 Better fill out the form then. :derpytongue2:

Name: SgtNolisten
Age: 22
Nationality: American
League IGN: Sgt Nolisten
Role(s): I play what I'm needed to, but favor tanky heavy hitters like Rumble or Pantheon. I ADC with Ashe, Jungle with Zac, Support with Soraka, and do any lane with Rumble or Pantheon.
Level/Ranked: 23, unranked
Fics I've written: None related to League of Legends. Check my profile both here and over on Fanfiction.net if you want to see what I have written.
Fics I'd recommend: ...I have a favorites list numbering the THOUSANDS on BOTH sites. You must be BLOODY MAD if you think I'm going to go looking through them for the best!
Notes: One of my greatest pet peeves in any game is when you start a match and know you have to go somewhere soon. If you do that in League with me, expect to get a report even if we win. Only pass I'll give on that is if you DIDN'T know.:ajbemused:

Name: Cade Williams
Age: 16
Nationality: Scottish-American
League IGN: ProfessorKilljoy (NA)
Roles: Top, jungle, support, and Fizz mid:flutterrage:
Level: 27, but I'm powerlevelling and can regularly gootz up gold I players (my school is very lol-heavy)
Fics I've Written: My magnum opus is "Vinyl Scratch Becomez The Chief Justice".
Fics I's Recommend: A Legend Crashes Into Equestria, and Man Of War
Notes: I am starting a ranked team called 4Cheese Surprise [4CX] and am recruiting some subs.

Name: MachinaMasters it shouldn't have that s but some asshole got the name I always use for video games.
Age: 19
Nationality: I am white
League IGN: http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/53941780
Role(s): The only ones I own are Karthus, Viktor, and Master Yii. Karthus sucks, Viktor is eh, and I am acceptable with Yii.
Level/Ranked: Level 15. I need to farm more.

Name sean morgan

Age 15

Nationality american

League ign: fall of dark

Roles top,mid,and,support top

Level 16

Fics i have written: none

Fics i recommend: oh to be old again,clockwork,and,hecarim in equestria

Name: Michael de Santa (will not state my real name for personal reasons)
Age: 17
Nationality: Filipino
League IGN: Sho Port (SEA - PH to be exact)
Role(s): Mostly jungle and support. Occasionally mid.
Level: 30 - Silver IV
Fics I've written: None
Fics I'd recommend: Oh damn, I have a lot
Main champs: Sejuani, Sona, Vi
Favorite: Vi

Note(s): I'm one of those who don't bash on people if they mess up (because I'm one to mess up, too).

Name: David Vazquez


Nationality: Hispanic American

League IGN: OmletteDuFromag (NA server)

Roles: Decent ADC and support, can mid alright, OK top, my jungling needs some work(mostly on ganks)

Level: 30 Bronze I (recent im 6 win 6 loss)

Fics I've written: None... yet:pinkiehappy:

Fics I'd recommend: This

Notes: I like MLP, anime, read web comics, cartoons, Books:twilightsmile: favorite of all I've read are by Jim Butcher, love doctor who, hmm... I guess im kinda all over the place theres not really much i dont like or wont give a chance :rainbowwild:

More Notes: If you ever want to chat about something I love to listen and help people pick their brains its pretty fun :yay:

Name: Skullkid
Age: 21
Nationality: Afro - American
League ign: Heat-Seeker NA
Roles: Top, Adc, Mid
Lvl: 30 ugh bronze 2 I think
I'm a terrible writer so no fits from me
Fic I recommend: my little wesker, oskar osakar, predatory, and the ingress series
Notes: I love manga, mlp and most fim or fanfics plus I'm a fiend for my ps3 or comp games and planning on having a ps4 before summer is over.

Name: hydrawolf
Age: 18
Nationality: American
League ign: Hydawolf499 (NA)
Roles: tank (Sejuani=stun lock, and Cho smites champions), mage, support, ADC, (I can't play fighters, assassins, or jungle worth sh-:yay:)
Lvl: 30-silver 4
fics written: none
Fics recommended: The Last of the Dragonlords by Fluttershy20, along with most of my (extensive) favorites list
Main champs: Cho'gath, Karma, Sejuani

Name: Blue Breeze
Age: 18
Nationality: American
League IGN: bluebreeze52
Role(s): Top and some support(mostly Blitzcrank)
Level/Ranked: Level 19(only started a few weeks ago and play off and on)
Fics I've written: Can be viewed on my page
Fics I'd recommend: Two's Company, Three's a Crowd
Notes: I play for fun more than competitively.

Name: Skoonie
Age: 24 (going on 25!)
Nationality: 'MURICAN!
League IGN: Skoonie
Roles: Mid and top, though I can support and adc fairly well. The jungle may go screw itself :ajbemused:
Level/Ranked: 30/Bronze II
Fics I've written: None, but working to fix that soon!
Fics I'd recommend: [url-http://www.fimfiction.net/story/30613/mort-takes-a-holiday]Mort Takes a Holiday, Arrow 18 Mission Logs: Lone Ranger, Book of Days.

Name: Loyal (Jordan Williams)
Age: 24 (25 on the 17th of August)
Nationality: American
League IGN: Glaivestryke
Roles: Support main. Equally good in mid or top, can adc, never let me jungle. Ever.
Level/ranked: 30/Silver 3, Gold 5 in 3v3
Fics I've written: Moonstone, Intimate Details, and Archmage among others.
Fics I'd recommend: Xenophilia
Notes: Looking for a committed pair of individuals to devote themselves to a serious 3v3 team.

I guess I should do one of these considering I've been here for a while.

Name: Chimpso
Age: 18
Nationality: Australian
League IGN: Chase The Singed (OCE)
Role(s): Top, Mid, Jg pref. But can play anything proficiently.
Level/Ranked: Plat V, going for Diamond next season.
Main: Singed.

Name:eric harrison
League ign : AppleDRoosevelt
Roles:bot support,tank support
Level/ranked:lvl 9 no rank yet
Notes: kayle,leona,and quinn are my go to champs.

Name: Xinrick
Nationality:...American I suppose?
League IGN: Xinrick(duh:derpytongue2:)
Roles: Bot Mid and Top(I don't do jungle or support, I suck at them)
Level/ranked: 19 about to be twenty
Notes: Made three stories, not all that good but you can find them easily, I can be good with any Champ if given enough practice, namely play bot games because people in real games are pricks most of the time, and I just want to play the game my way instead of having the 'Meta' be the leading way of how your 'supposed to play':ajbemused: fuck the meta.

Name: CF/ES or even Mephis.

Age: Old enough

Nationality: Pinoy American

League IGN: MephisK (NA)

Role(s): Top Main, Fill secondary

Level/Ranked: Level 30, Ex Gold 2 (Current GV)

Fics I've written: All planning stages / skeleton outlines.

Fics I'd recommend: Anything I'm an editor/proofreader for, and faved.

Notes: Currently located in asian land, so I play with an average of 280 latency. Haha. Still have fun though.

Name: Warrior of Stone

Age: Younger than most of you

Nationality: European, mostly Irish

League IGN: Zarmanis (NA)

Role(s): Top Lane, Support

Level/Ranked: 30, Silver 2

Fics I've written: A cold heart needs a warm smile

Fics I'd Recommend: Darth Vulcan

Notes: I mostly play tanks. Anime lover, and ok gamer :pinkiehappy:

Name: Darth Redbeard
Age: not telling
Nationality: United States
League IGN: Darth Redbeard
Roles: Top Lane
Level: 15 (haven't played much)
Fics I've written: 10 in total
Fics I'd recommend: Just depends

Notes: not much

New Sion = laughs that sound like constipation sounds + 2 Arnold lines

*updated March 2015*

Name: Norty Echo or Mat (such a common first name that I don't need to worry)
Age: 20
Nationality: UK (English)
League IGN: Norty Echo (EUW)
Roles: Mainly support or jungle, but given the right champs, I'm OK anywhere (Veigar or Twisted Fate mid. Mundo, Nasus, or Shen top, Kalista ADC)
Level/rank: 23, obviously not ranked
Fics I've written: 5 in total (linking on my tablet is inconvenient) no crossovers as of yet.
Fics I'd recommend: I don't recommend because I tend to get it in the ear if I recommend a type people don't like.
Main Champs: Leona and Thresh for support, Udyr for jungle.
Favourite pros: Cutiepie or Madlife
Notes: I'm a college student, so I'm not on League a whole lot. I'm on enough since I have at least two games most week days. I also love anime.

Name: person314
Age: 17
Nationality: United States
Ign: person315
Roles: ADC
Level: 30 (silver II)
FICs written:nothing
Recommendations: can't think of any

Name: Max (last name stays mine)
Age: born in 1996
Nationality: German
IGN: TF Heat (EU West; works better than everybody else complains)
Roles: Main support, though I'm play ADC as well, just don't put me into a solo lane (favoured champs: Janna, Sona, Morgana, Blitz, Caitlyn and Vayne)
Level: S3, on the climb to gold (you'd think I had escaped elo hell by now, but....)
Fics I've written: This, this, NSFW this, NSFW this and this
Recommendations: This one and its sequel

Name: conigwolf
Age: 23
Nationality: American
League IGN: East Coast server
Role(s): Mage/support and some ADC and dabble in the rest
Level/Ranked: Level 30, not ranks
Fics I've written: none
Fics I'd recommend: ehhh dunno, i'm sure there's a couple
Notes: I'm an advent anime and manga person as well as pen and paper type of guy (dungeons and dragons)

Name: Ronald
Age: Ahm not tellin, m8
Nationality: Hispanic-Irish
League IGN: Barbara Seedling
Role(s): Top, Tank
Level/Ranked: Level 10
Fics I've written: Check my user page, ya lazybones
Fics I'd recommend: This and This (NSFW)
Notes: I play with another veteran user, Oot, who is a non-brony

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