Fighting is Friendship 139 members · 165 stories
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Right, I was making a fic where twilight was trapped in the changing timeline and I decided to read the comics for inspiration then I realized twilight and everyone else is violent as hell in the comics compared to the show.

Comparing them in the comics to the show is almost hilarious, but one question, should I just use the personality from the comics because it would be easier in my fic or is that cheating.


should I just use the personality from the comics because it would be easier in my fic or is that cheating.

Depends what your fic is about, what kind of tone it has, and whether you consider the comics to be canon.

In the universe of my fic, for example, the comics and the MLP chapter books are canon (though if they contradict the TV show, the TV show takes precedence). My fic is also designed to be a callback to contemporary action cinema and the Uncharted series, so Daring Do in my fic is more violent than her canon self.

So if your fic is, say, a John Wick–style romp, your story may benefit from the more violent comic characterizations of the Mane Six.

(And also, keep in mind that the Mane Six are fighting invading changelings in that comic. They’re not nearly as violent against comic antagonists who happen to be Equestrian.)

It's twilight trapped in the changeling starlight world, so a bit more action is expected I guess I’ll go with comics here.

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